
Mars, Esoteric ruler of Scorpio

The Esoteric ruler of Scorpio

In the zodiacal wheel, Scorpio is the energy that, through mental and emotional intensity, tests the consciousness. A conflict that has to be resolved through experience on the physical plane, the place where tests are overcome through struggle. Let us remember that the exoteric and esoteric ruler of Scorpio is Mars, “the warrior”.

The “scorpion” is the bearer of poison, symbol of deception and death, but also source of regeneration, transformation and detachment, key concepts to understand the esoteric purposes of this sign.


Uranus, Esoteric Ruler of Libra


We know that Libra conveys balance, the gift of uniting the above with the below. In Aries creative power is present, in Libra this power must be balanced with the environment in which it has manifested.

Libra rules the VII house, where relationships with the environment are deeply established. The first house affirms “I am”, an affirmation that in house VII is reflected as “you are”; nothing makes sense if we do not understand the deep reason for being of our brothers, and in this understanding, our I am ceases to be so egocentric to be more balanced.

Subjectively, house VII is “the little voice” that, in a difficult situation created by the excess of “I am”, responds to the question formulated by the needy conscience: "What would you do? This little voice, this YOU that we ask, is the correct and balanced complement to the excess of “I”.

In truth, this YOU is a reflection of the Soul before the need of the personality humiliated by the excess of “I”. As the Hindu saying goes: “God lives in you as You”, the You being the quality of our Soul reflected in the other or the 7th house.


The Moon Vulcan, the esoteric ruler of Virgo


Virgo refers to the purity of Matter, and the capacity of Matter to respond to the impact of God's Love upon It. The Virgin (mother-matter) is essentially receptive and her response always depends on the impact of the consciousness within her. The body will never turn its back on us, but rather it is we who neglect it. Caring for the body is necessary because in its generous receptivity is the springboard for the right attitude, the purified character which will later be the basis for the expression of the inclusive Love or Christ principle.

As in the case of a shining or precious stone, in order for the soul to express itself on the outer plane in its fullness, it needs a long and slow process of inner adaptation, in which "the mother" (the matter aspect) is the custodian and at the same time the nurturing substance.


Esoteric Venus

The qualities of esoteric Venus

Venus is the ruler of Love-Intelligent: the practical and "successful" application of love to outer circumstances through the power of the mind.

On a physical plane, Venus’ mental attitude is expressed as Beauty: the quality that unifies inner truth with outer truth.

We understand that in this sentence, taken from Alice Bailey's book "Occult Meditation", the meaning of the Light of Venus is:

"Man makes the devas (building forces) strong with his mental objectivity, (intelligence), meanwhile, they give us joy, magnetism and vitality.”

The key to the sentence lies in the concept of “mental objectivity”, because implicit in this is the oneness of the giver and the receiver. In the sentence, we can observe the dynamics of a balanced relationship expressed as a whole, because the two subjects of the sentence (man-deva) are both givers and receivers.


The sun, the esoteric regent of Leo


The three fire signs (Trine Houses 1-5-9) show us the power of mental fire. In Aries the "Idea" is exposed by means of a powerful and shining impulse; in Leo the "Idea" is "recreated", (positively intellectualised), and expressed as experience of the "self", self-consciousness; in Sagittarius all the self-consciousness and self-affirmation of the Idea acquired in Leo is redirected towards a defined and altruistic goal.

Leo is the sign that symbolises all the qualities of the fifth (5th) House: Individual creativity; The ability to do "things" from one's own inner certainty; The more personal or individual's own intelligence; The more conscious emotions, (the unconscious or inherited emotions belong to the 4th House); The causal body or "talent of the Soul"; "The children of the Idea"


The best presidents of United States

The Difficulty of Esoteric Astrology

It is one of the main objectives of this blog to try to link the esoteric astrological concepts revealed by the Tibetan Master with practical astrology as we know it today. It is certainly not an easy goal, since as the Master tells us: 

The subject is, however, sufficiently abstruse to deter most people. The relations to be established cannot be based upon some definite starting point, as is sometimes possible in casting the individual horoscope, but upon energy effects, coming direct from the signs themselves, or via certain planetary rulers (again either exoteric, esoteric or hierarchical); these effects are again conditioned by the interplay between the energy of the rays which govern the soul or the personality of the subject under consideration” 

Thus the extreme difficulty of the science becomes increasingly apparent. There is, however, no need for discouragement, for this is a science, subject to moments of intense illumination when the intuition will suddenly reveal determining laws and when the capacity to think abstractly and synthetically will pour floods of light upon the most difficult and complex of problems. When the world again settles down to a cycle of peace and with opportunity for further conscious unfoldment, it will be found that that embryonic factor which we call the intuition will flower forth into as recognisable an expression of human consciousness as the present intellectual grasp and mental perception of the race. Until this time comes, the searching astrologer must proceed hopefully but cannot yet expect full understanding of what I here impart”

Therefore, we are compelled to persist, and from the breadth offered by the trust and love for His books and for Humanity, to try to deepen in the practical truths that its apparent complexity threatens.


The esoteric ruler of Cancer


In the three water signs, we can observe the symbolic path of manifestation. Cancer is the beginning, the active power of a river being born; Scorpio is the river's course, where the active power of the first impulse experiences the "ups and downs" of the path; and Pisces is the end, where the river subsides, mingling with the grandeur of the ocean or the whole.

Cancer is "the first creative water" through which Souls come into manifestation in a well-defined physical form. The union of Aries (mind-idea), Taurus (desire-substance) and Gemini (etheric body-communication), inevitably leads us to Cancer: all three condensed into one body or dense physical form.


7 Rays 12 Signs 7 Planets


In this new entry we will try to show in a simple way how the 7 Rays or the seven main energies of the Universe reach our Solar System via the qualities of the 12 Zodiac signs that surround it, and how the seven are then synthesised into the 7 sacred planets¹.

Now, it is of great importance to understand that the Solar Logos itself is governed by one of these 7 rays, namely the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdomand therefore we can say that in our solar system all 7 are subrays of the 2nd. Therefore all rays in their essence are conditioned by the aspect of love, as the popular expression says “God is Love” and we could add “and Wisdom”.


The Esoteric Ruler of Gemini


Each sign shows us a certain type of energy, and through each of the ruling planets, Man's consciousness must manage and direct this "power" in order to experience and evolve.

Consciousness in a given life may be polarised in the emotions or perhaps in the mind, or perhaps in a more integrated personality where the mind and emotions express a certain unity. In these cases the sun sign and its exoteric ruler are the "masters" of the chart, always accompanied by the lunar characteristics, as these offer the expressive form for the solar consciousness, the moon in this case being a reflection of the sun.

But when worldly experiences do not fulfil a human being's heart, they turn their gaze inward and try to find their way back to their original principle or living reality.

When this step is taken, it must be considered that the sign of the Ascendant shows us the energetic quality that will help us along this path. We can say that the Soul aspect becomes conscious to us in the process of "subjecting" the exoteric characteristics of the sun sign to the more esoteric meanings of the ascendant sign. The moon in this case will no longer be just a reflection of the sun, but also of the ASC sign.

Esoteric Ruler of 


Gemini is the interconnecting quality of dualities and in this sense is the ultimate Christic energy, for the Soul or Christic principle, with its quality of Love and Wisdom, shows, at all levels of creation, how the duality of Matter and Spirit must be related and fused.

This principle, esoterically called Second Ray, relates to Spirit through Love and to Matter through Wisdom.


Soul and Personality (esoteric thought)

Soul and Personality 


In occult, esoteric texts and also in poems of clear mystical tendency, one can read that the first obligation of every good "disciple on the path" is to achieve integration between the Soul and the Personality, without this first step there can be no second.

The personality is a force consisting of three lesser forces, the so-called lower basic triad of physical/etheric¹, emotional and concrete mind, all of which together create a strong personality, a personality with an emotional and mental body expressing itself with "power" (success) on the material plane through its etheric/physical body. 


The Esoteric Ruler of Taurus


The Esoteric Ruler of Taurus

In May, we are in Taurus, and this is clear from nature through its magnificent glory. Taurus' energy is the one most closely related to the sensual and exuberant beauty of nature, the nurturing mother that welcomes us and lets us experience

Taurus' form is at its peak (the Moon's exaltation), thus generating the key words for the exoteric or materialistic Taurus: "desire the form, struggle to possess the form".

In Taurus exoteric, Venus, the exoteric ruler, expresses itself through personal desire. The physical-emotional body has so much power that inevitably conditions the mental body (reflected in Venus) forcing it to submit to the "bull's onslaught". This is the lower triad (concrete - emotional and physical mind), which is entirely focused on desire. Taurus' personality often manifests itself with a strong tendency for stubbornness, with an abrupt power to possess the desired object.


The Esoteric ruler of Aries

The Esoteric Astrology

The esoteric rulers are the guiding planets of the horoscope when it belongs to an evolved Being, where its "desire" is not so linked to its active capacity (Sun), nor to its karmic inertia (Moon), but is conditioned by a need to acquire harmony between both (Ascendant), in order to achieve a greater expression of the Soul.

The energy that produces harmony (Sattva) is related to the quality of the Ascendant sign and its esoteric ruler, and being able to apply that energy in one self and the environment will always be a joy for the Soul.

Mercury: esoteric ruler of Aries

Aries is the energy of the first impulse, the desire - an idea that is imposed by the power of being the first. Genuine and brave breaks into the environment and is imposed through the power of de will. Aries expresses what he wants, and although the achievement of what is wanted is not clear, his strength and momentum are evident. His exoteric ruler is Mars, hinting at the power of the emotional polarization of the personality in the human being. Mars wants and desires the form, is active, aggressive and instinctive in its attitude. The power of fire is shown to us through the warlord.


Esoteric meaning of the Rising Sing


In this article we will expose, through the analysis of a definition and its subsequent application in a practical example, how esoteric astrology interprets the meaning of "the Ascending Sign".

The esoteric aspect of an interpretation deals with the inner meaning that forms, just as the exoteric aspect deals with the external activities of these forms. Therefore the esoteric astrology makes reference to the subjective aspect of the signs and the exoteric to the objective aspect. The two astrologists are complementary, as are the Soul with the Personality.

The Ascendant

The ascendant is the sign that appears by the Orient just at birth, the cardinal point through which, according to ancient traditions, comes to us Wisdom. The nascent sign of the birth chart is the energy that rules the entire chart, because it is thanks to him that a horoscope can be drawn in its fullness.

Esoteric meaning of the Rising Sing

The Ascendant also called rising sing- “Indicates the future life and the immediate purpose of the soul for this incarnation. It keeps the secret of the future and presents the force that, properly used, will lead man to success. It represents the Sattva Guna the goodness, the harmonic aspect of life, and can produce right relationships between the soul and the personality in a given incarnation, thus pointing the way to recognizing the strength of the soul”.

Alice Bailey (Esoteric Astrology)


USA Horoscope (esoteric study)

The national chart of USA

In this new article it is our objective to reflect on the horoscope Of the USA, using for it 3 affirmations that the Tibetan Master makes in Alice Bailey's books about what surely can be considered the most important country of the modern era.

It is very important for us, the students of the book "Astrology Esoteric” by Alice Bailey, to be able to compare the Master's claims with the horoscope in question, since this reflective comparison allows us to deepen in the new astrological concepts contributed by book.

The 3 affirmations of the Tibetan

1- The US is a country with a Soul ruled by the 2nd Ray of Love Wisdom, with a personality belonging to the 6th Ray of devotion to the Ideal. 

2- The US is a country that can manifest and illuminate the great ideals that promote world unity, but at the same time, there are also powerful selfish forces that promote myopic or separatist ideals.

3- In the EEUU horoscope Acuarius has a very prominent role as regent of his soul.


Esoteric Astrology - Natal chart of Alice Bailey

An esoteric interpretation of the horoscope of Alice Bailey

As many of you should know by now, Alice Bailey was the one who wrote, (thanks to the qualities and virtues that treasured her high evolutionary degree), the wonderful, evocative and highly Spiritual Blue Books of the Tibetan Master. 

In this article it is our intention to make a brief interpretation about psycho-Astrological-esoteric character and soul of Alice Bailey. For that first we will make references to their more personal particularities for later to be able to approach us with more understanding to her more spiritual realizations.  

We emphasize that all the biographical data used in the article have been extracted from her book: "Unfinished Autobiography" Sirio editorial (Spanish Version)


Psychology of the Soul (consciousness - personality)

The study (logos) of the Soul (psyche)

When one studies a concept as "intangible" as that of Alma, it becomes necessary, to make it accessible to the practical understanding, to oppose it with nature more "tangible" of the human being: the personality. 

The objective experiences ("good and bad") of the personality are the tools that we have to deepen, through observation-reflection, in the subjective background of the experienced.

Any personal expression practiced, imagined or thought, if observed and analysed from impersonality, shows the reflection of a more deep, its true "reason to be". It is not gold everything that shines, but there is Gold.

What is the Soul in relation to the Personality?

We understand that the Soul is the subjective spiritual quality that conditions the expressive strengths of the personality.

The reality that we call soul is basically an expression of three types of energy-life, love and intelligence. The triple inferior nature (personality) has been prepared for the reception of these three energies, and the intelligence aspect is reflects in the mind, the nature love in the emotional body of desires and the principle life in and through the etheric or vital body "*

In all the relations between "the new and the old" there are frictions, crises, which are the sign that this relationship demands recognition in the consciousness and its consequent vital adjustment.


The duality through the horoscope

The duality

In the "world" we can clearly recognize two powers:

God in the Heart -versus- God in the Universe

The Heart is the inner "world", that which is our own, the "if same".
The Universe is the outer "world", the energies, revelations and impulses that arrive to us.

Now, if we look at this powerful duality we may think that we do not depend solely on what we have intrinsically recognized as our own, our "self", but also we depend on how we perceive, identify and manage those energies that come to us from the outside, and that, (and in this statement is the key), the clarity of this perception depends to a large extent on the evolutionary level of the perceived consciousness. 

The evolutionary level of consciousness is measured by the capacity it has to promote altruistic attitudes to the detriment of the most selfish. The "Kindness" of impersonality, detached, flexible and decentralized to the detriment of "that" more attached, inflexible, crystallized or personal.


Natal chart of Jesus (esoteric astrology)

Birth chart Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus, the man 

HELLO, from Barcelona.I am an estudent and fervent admirer of the thought of Alice Bailey - the Tibetano (Djwal klhul).
I write to all of you this email to tell you not long ago them, that I was reading the last part of the URANTIA book* where the life of Jesus is related of loving and coherent way. I discovered a series of dates and data* on his life, among them: the one of the birth. Immediately I went to the computer, which went my surprise when discovering this sensational natal chart that them attached; if the ( The Magi) the three wise men were astrologers knew where they went!!!