The national chart of USA
this new article it is our objective to reflect on the horoscope Of the USA,
using for it 3 affirmations that the Tibetan Master makes in Alice Bailey's books
about what surely can be considered the most important country of the modern
is very important for us, the students of the book "Astrology Esoteric” by
Alice Bailey, to be able to compare the Master's claims with the horoscope in
question, since this reflective comparison allows us to
deepen in the new astrological
concepts contributed by book.
The 3 affirmations of the Tibetan
The US is a country with a Soul ruled by the 2nd Ray of Love Wisdom,
with a personality belonging to the 6th Ray of devotion to the Ideal.
The US is a country that can manifest and illuminate the great ideals
that promote world unity, but at the same time, there are also powerful selfish
forces that promote myopic or separatist ideals.
of the United States of America*
Reflection / analysis of the horoscope through the 3 affirmations of the
the chart we can well observe in relation to point 1-2 that the
great ability to generate US ideals is very powerfully inscribed in its Neptune
conjunction MC with the ascendant in Sagittarius, for being Neptune the
idealized feeling and the Archer the power to focus the mind on the great ideal. The 10th house ensures the success of this attitude.
said idealism is selfish excluding or generously inclusive will depend very
much on the ability of the American people to manage the frustration suggested by their powerful 8th house in Cancer together with its tight squared Sun-Saturn
expressing itself through a "dangerous" angular Mars in Gemini. But, from esoteric
astrology, all frustration is an opportunity.
Gemini/Uranus from the 7 house of relationships, is one the most benign aspects of the chart since gemeni brings with it the energy of the second ruling Ray of soul of EEUU, and Uranus is the “cosmic intelligence” two qualities, that over time, they can transform the overly traditional and sentimental egoisms of this country, reflected in Cancer and activated through a reactionary (7 house) and capricious (Gemini) Mars. In this sense the EEUU personality is a geminian-martial, if I may say, “A youthful cowboy with his gun”.
In this case, the classic militant egoism of Mars is linked (through mercury in Cancer ) with the most personal, susceptible and defensive expression of the chart; this Mars, conditioned by Cancer, is a clear reflection of the nagative aspect that firearms play in this country. It is the aggressive aspect of a personality 6th Ray who devouty (often fanatically) defends his own patriotic traditions, feeling or ideals.
But as we know, every chart can be analyzed from two points of view, from the personal or from the soul, and for our part we pay almost all attention to the soul aspect, knowing that the greater meaning includes the lesser.
Therefore, Gemini/Uranus from its most esoteric meaning can decant the expression of ideals (inscribed in Neptune house ten) towards more inclusive positions, wise and loving related with the soul of the country. If on the contrary, the American people are carried away by the most traditionalist, attached and dark power reflected in Cancer/Sun/House 8, the ideals that will be reflected in house X (Virgo-Neptune) will be proud positions more related to personality from the country overly patriotic ideals self-centered, closely linked to the attitude of its current president Donald Trump, but not at all similar to those of his previous president Barack Obama, much more open and universal.
In these case we have to know that nations (with its people) like the person, are like pendulum that dance in duality and it is good to think that in all duality is the opportunity to relate, love and unite the other party. A part that is also part of oneself.
2 Ray of Love and Wisdom (Gemini - Virgo – Pisces) trought Sagittarius
signs that bring to our solar system the 2nd Ray of Love Wisdom rector of the US Soul are Gemini - Virgo - Pisces; And
those who bring our solar systems the 6th Ray of Devotion and Idealism belonging to the US Personality are Virgo - Sagittarius - Pisces.
If we look at
these four signs (with the exception of Pisces) they are very present in the horoscope,
being the meaning of Gemini, the main energy that can decant the tendencies of
the horoscope in favor of the 2 Ray rector of the Soul of the country. Gemini
is the quality that relates the dualities, is
imposed in the US' natal chart. In this case we think that the thanks to Gemini the great idealizing power that
Neptune truly holds, (as regent esoteric and hierarchical of Cancer in
conjunction MC), will be more decentralized and universal.
we know that for esoteric astrology the
rising sign always marks the purpose to Soul and in this case the sign is Sagittarius, bearer of the 6 Ray or more selfish
personal force of the USA, we must think that their contribution is negative?,
the answer is NO, but rather we must think than the US, to approach his Soul of 2nd Ray, paradoxically
must deepen the correct application of energy 6th Ray-Sagittarian that in his
phrase for the Soul tells us:
"I see the goal, I reach that goal and I see another."
phrase, when referring to the Soul for being the ascendant, tells us that the
purpose of the United States Consciousness is to have devotion or knowing focus
on noble and inclusive (ideals) goals, reflected in their opposite polar
Gemini, and that if this is not so, it is clear that behind it is NOT the
purpose of Sagittarius, but rather the traditionalist tendency (Cancer
Personality) of a powerful ambition (Sun square Saturn) that darkly uses the
wealth of others (house 8) justifying itself through a powerful ideal (Neptune
in house X) governed by a weak and confusing reason (mercury exoteric ruler of
Virgo / Gemini in house 8 opposed to Pluto) conditioned by a patriotic
tradition (Cancer) selfish and expired.
In fact, and in
favor of Sagittarius, let's look closely at how both the line of its esoteric
ruler, (the Earth), and that of its hierarchical ruler, (Mars), pass through
- The Earth, esoteric ruler of
Sagittarius, is in Capricorn, ruled esoterically by Saturn in Libra, in turn
ruled, also esoterically, by Uranus in angular conjunction in Gemini.
- Mars, as the hierarchical ruler of
Sagittarius, is in Gemini.
Sagittarius (the purpose of the Soul) through its regents acquires a geminian
nuance, or what is the same, a greater decentralization and flexibility. We would
say that the Sagittarius Gemini interaction contributes to the purpose of the
Soul of the USA the opportunity to focus on ideals (quality of Sagittarius/6R) that are increasingly inclusive (Gemini / 2R quality).
conclude with point 1-2 we will consider Neptune and Virgo, both, two energies,
(one more specific for being one planet and the other more subjective), which
treasure and intermingle in their meanings both the qualities so important to the States United.
if we think that the US is a country with a certain level of evolution, (at
least this is my impression), it is logical to assume that this will
increasingly use Neptune Virgo more and better in relation to its second ray soul
to the detriment or control of the sixth staff.
fact returning to the regencies, and thinking of Virgo as a carrier of 2Ray,
Neptune in Virgo is in mutual hierarchical reception with Jupiter in Cancer,
the planet carrying the 2Ray, in his sign of exaltation¹, and who at the same
time is the exoteric rector of the rising sign and esoteric of the Moon in
we can see the horoscope shows various trends, being the related to the Soul of
2Ray, Gemini - Virgo - Neptune - Jupiter, the ones that interest us most to
highlight through the meaning of the always very important rising sign.
relation to point 3 and the
role of Aquarius in the national
chart of USA, there is no doubt the power of the Moon in Aquarius in house 3 or house of the communication. Truly
this Moon activating the cross fixes on its own hierarchical regency and as exoteric ruler of all the planets in Cancer
and esoteric of the splendid Neptune in Virgo is, without any genus of doubts,
one of the keys to the horoscope.
Remember that the hierarchical regency is the intermediate position, the
objective result that manifests itself in the relationship (more or less harmonious)
between the (esoteric) Soul and the Personality (exoteric), it is the synthesis, the spirit in action ..., in this sense, the Moon, understood from esoteric astrology as "the Will
of God for expression through form”, materializes everything the previously
exposed through the Aquarian qualities. We could say that it concentrates the
final result: The
expression of the 2nd Ray of the Soul of the USA through the universal service or the
expressive lunar form (the will of God) reflected in Aquarius.
we know, Esoteric Astrology considers that the basic lunar forces,
logically in evolved consciences, are veiling the energy and meaning of
the three sacred planets, Vulcan -
Neptune or Uranus, and that it is work of the astrologist to know, by the
attitudes of the subject owner of the horoscope, which of the three is the
dominant in his consciousness.
this case, when the US expresses generosity and global empathy, it is clear
that the Moon is guarding the energies of a Uranus in Gemini, and this
attitude is linked to the objective
expression of 2nd Ray trough the Twins. This attitude includes the higher meaning of Neptune.
the other hand, when the US expresses patriotism and fear of the external, the Moon is veiling the lower meanings (selfish ideals) of Neptune very
conditioned by a "fearful" Cancer. This attitude is linked to the expression of a
6td Ray conditioned by negative karmic personal tendencies.
also, as is logical in any dual process, at certain times of its history the US
Moon has been and will be veiling Vulcan,
as the internal aspect that builds and fuses dualities, linked attitude to the
subjective aspect of a 2nd Ray of Soul trough Virgo.
Vulcan is located next to the Sun in Cancer as the esoteric ruler of Virgo.
Vulcan, the shaper, in this horoscope is that intermediate energy between the
personal meaning of Cancer and the more universal of Aquarius that, through
Virgo is able to use the transformative forces of house 8 to build and fuse a
form (Lunar) more in accordance with the increasingly inclusive demands of the Soul reflected in Gemini,
with Uranus + Mars as hierarchical rector of Sagittarius.
The US Presidents
may think that if for the US horoscope the Sagittarius – Geminis the key, so
should be for the horoscopes of your Presidents. Without going any further, if
we overlap both horoscopes, we can observe, to mention some examples, the
importance it had for his brilliant triumph the Moon in Gemini of Barack Obama,
with application trine to his Jupiter in
Aquarius as the esoteric ruler of the ascendant.
well as the power it has exercised in the election of the current president,
Donald Trump, where his horoscope shows a full moon in Sagittarius with
Sun in Gemini and a very militant Mars in house 1. And to finish as the Nobility of the MC in
conjunction Neptune Saturn in Sagittarius of the natal chart of Abraham Lincoln
coincides with the ascendant of his country, at the same time that the Moon in
Aquarius of this coincides with the sun and the ascendant of Lincoln.
wholeheartedly hope that this reflective analysis will serve to advance in the
knowledge and practical application of the astrology of the Soul.
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Declaration of Independence |
The motto of nation
The oportunity of EEUU is to understand that the powerful and selfish national feelings (personal Solar plexus) that often govern their 6Ray of devotion and ideal personality, they must conform to a more universal, inclusive and helpful understanding related to their 2Ray of love and wisdom in the soul ruled by Acuarius.
The personal force most be transferred to the heart. The place where the reactions are not defensive but empathetic, an attitude that, through this reajusted 6Ray, will always be expressed though generous ideals full of nobility and emotionality, if you will allow me, as " the pain and triumph of universal protagonists” of his magnificent films.
Realy achieve this transfer from the lower to the higher in itself is already an ideal. A universal idea that all nations must learn if they want to better related to their environment. This is why the Tibetan Master tells us that the national motto of this great nation is:
I light the way
“A great future lies ahead of that nation but not because of material power or commercial efficiency, as many materially-minded people think. The reason lies in a deeply spiritual, innate idealism, enormous humanitarian potentiality and—above all else—because virgin and non-effete stock of largely peasant and middle class origin is determining the race”.
Problems of humanity (The United States) by Alice Bailey
Article written in Full Moon Sagittarius:
see the goal, I reach that goal and I see another"
the mind projects its gaze is born intuition, the attitude of all parties
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¹Exaltation of Jupiter:
"The building of adequate forms and the use and control of form are essential if there is to be wise and right cooperation with the Plan of God. Jupiter guarantees this in Cancer from the very initial stage of birth." (Esoteric Astrology - Alice Bailey)
For esoteric astrology there are three types of planets, personal or exoteric ruler, soul or esoteric ruler and spiritual or hierarchical ruler.
To achieve the expression of the Spiritual level of a sign, first you have to have a high degree of understanding of the level of consciousness or Soul since it is this level that makes the union of the three possible.
The key rulers for this horoscope are:
for the personality. material expression - Cancer - orthodox ruler: Moon and its karmic meanings.
for the Soul , awareness - Sagittarius - esoteric ruler: Earth
for the spirit/life, the final synthesis - Aquarius - hierarchical ruler: Moon veiling the meanings of Uranus in Gemini/2nd Ray
* (Data used: 4 July 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia,
PA; this
is the so-called "Sibly chart", which was originally published in 1787. It is
based, in part, on eyewitness accounts of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
There is another chart commonly used for the USA, which gives Gemini on the Ascendant,
but there is no historical evidence to support this horoscope.)
Source: Liz Greene: "the national chart of United States" Astrodienst web.
From the point of view of Esoteric Astrology in this national chart is important to consider an MC in Virgo because of the important link that this sign has with the 2Ray regent of the Soul of the United States and, as the birth time is not sure at all, we make the horoscope 20 minutes before Liz Green's.
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To know the astrological relationship that the nation has with its best presidents, click on the following link:
David C.M. email:
Translated by Lester Fernandez
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