
The Moon Vulcan, the esoteric ruler of Virgo


Virgo refers to the purity of Matter, and the capacity of Matter to respond to the impact of God's Love upon It. The Virgin (mother-matter) is essentially receptive and her response always depends on the impact of the consciousness within her. The body will never turn its back on us, but rather it is we who neglect it. Caring for the body is necessary because in its generous receptivity is the springboard for the right attitude, the purified character which will later be the basis for the expression of the inclusive Love or Christ principle.

As in the case of a shining or precious stone, in order for the soul to express itself on the outer plane in its fullness, it needs a long and slow process of inner adaptation, in which "the mother" (the matter aspect) is the custodian and at the same time the nurturing substance.


"The son of the mind”

Mercury is the ruler of the concrete and abstract mind. Virgo (the mother) protects and nurtures the growth of that mind and, over time, Mercury (the messenger of the gods) learns to relate its material habitat to "divine messages" (intuitions), thus directing the mother-matter towards the expression of the Pure Love it has been building and protecting for so long. This is the role of Mercury: to know how to harmonise, to build the union, between the material reality and the spiritual one.

Virgo, through an unevolved or excessively personal consciousness, is a selfish intelligence (reflected in an excess of Mercury) that becomes analytical and censorious, critical, in relation to all that is not related to its personal desire.

Excess is a symptom of selfishness and it is precisely in the "failure" that sooner or later all selfishness entails that the consciousness in Virgo becomes introverted, goes to "the cave" where analysis becomes honest, revealing that which must be transmuted or adjusted for the good of the higher consciousness.

In Virgo, introversion is a natural tendency, the consciousness in crisis is identified with the deep and calm inner processes, where the basic (lunar) forms of a given life must be forged in relation to the new consciousness of the Soul which, due to the crisis, arises in opposition to the old personal tendencies.

When Virgo energy is utilised by a "generous" consciousness, Mercury offers discrimination and intuition so that Matter can be well constructed. The key word in evolved Virgo is BUILD, and for this reason, Mercury, who in this sign is nourished by matter, is at the same time the ruler of the building power of matter. 

The basic matter for building, the nourishing substance is symbolised by Virgo's esoteric ruler: the Moon.

The Moon in Virgo (Vulcan)

"God's will for manifestation in form".

The Moon, through Virgo, is the mother aspect of divinity that nurtures and protects the Christ or Love within, thereby relating consciousness and form. This relationship builds what we call centres of self-awareness (Leo - self-light), the first step into the process that will later express the selfless service (Aquarius) and loving sacrifice (Pisces) of a Son of God.

In Virgo, the Moon is the "feminine" receptacle where the spirit is developed under the laws ("care") of the mother/matter.

When the subject with an ascendant Virgo recognises in its lunar bodies, (physical - emotional - lower mental), the impact of the Soul is prepared in the calm and dark depths of sensations (Earth), to build (mould through Vulcan*) a new form (Moon) of expression more in consonance with the will of the Soul

It is evident that this inner attitude is based on a duality, where the matter form must become accustomed to "the energy of the Soul" to the detriment of its old friend: "the force of personality".

Jesus expressed the Gift of Virgo when at the age of 12 he left the protection of Mary to go to the temple to share with the Wise Ones: "I must attend to my father's matters". Jesus here showed an inflection by giving priority to developing his inner Christ over the obligations of the personality, symbolised by the until then natural demands of the Mother.

The phrase for the Soul reads:

"I am the mother and the child, I, God, I, matter am".

In these words we can see a creative play on words that mixes divinity with matter. The self is the aspect of will; the mother is the nurturing aspect of mother nature; the child is the inner consciousness, the soul in the heart; and matter is the most basic aspect with which to build, i.e. the physical, the emotional and the concrete mental world.

Higher Mercury is the child of the mind, the light of the Soul, the connecting thread capable of recognising, blending and unifying all aspects of the sentence. The moon is the mother nature with which matter is shaped and Vulcan the will, the persistence capable of forging in it all a form of divine expression, a purified character.

The Moon signs

In astrology, the Moon is especially "strong" in four signs:

  • In Taurus, it exhibits the power of the "sensual" outer forms generating beauty/desire.

  • In Cancer, shows the power of emotion veiled by the physical body (we are 70% water).

  • In Virgo, the Mother Moon is the protective inertia of Substance-Matter, offering the inner warmth for the long process of "building" a God-child in her.

  • In Aquarius, the Lunar form shows its splendour in the expression of fraternal and inclusive service. Aquarius is the outer release of the inner work done in Virgo.

Decays and detriments in Virgo

Neptune, Jupiter and Venus lose power in this sign, because in the depth and darkness of matter, these planets cannot shine. Only Mercury (the child of the mind) becomes capable of exaltation, ruling through pure reason (intuition) the Mother Matter (Moon). Later when the inner wisdom achieves a certain level of soul wisdom, through the care and purification of the forms, these three planets named above, will be able to express their righteous power.


For esoteric astrology, the powers wielded by Virgo through the Moon are associated with the qualities of Vulcan: "the forger in the cave", the cave as the symbol of Earth matter, the mother's womb; the forger as the power to mould , to nurture "that child which must grow", the child being synonymous with consciousness.

Vulcan is the will to build, a will that in Virgo uses the mother/moon aspect. That is to say, if we speak of human constitution, it uses the most basic of these, the lunar triad: physical, emotional and concrete mental body.

Vulcan through Virgo is "the will of God for His manifestation through form".

The Rays through Virgo

The 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, (Jupiter), in an evolved consciousness can be very well expressed through Virgo, because of the ability of that consciousness to make matter, the grosser and deeper part of manifestation, respond to the impact of outer Love and thus expand. Here, the 2nd Ray through Virgo centred on Jupiter (expansion) shows us that God resides everywhere.

The 4th Ray of Beauty and Harmony, via conflict is present in the relationship expressing this expansion through the conflict Moon (lower mind) y Mercury (higher mind). Moon and Mercury are ruled by the 4th R. 

The role of Vulcan (1st R of Will and Power) is very much dependent upon the lunar karmic conflicts, for without them matter could not be utilised by the consciousness and its will in Vulcan.

The 6th R Ray of Devotion and Ideal is also very much present in this sign. In the important early stages of inner growth the ideal or devotion is very much needed to guide towards that which is to be built. 

The 4th R and 6th R ray are more present in the early stages of growth, as well as the 2nd R in the later stages. The persistence and power of the 1st R is a constant throughout, though in the second stage it is a conscious constant.

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Table of rulerships proposed by Alice Bailey





















































*The Moon in Virgo veils the meaning of Vulcan and in Aquarius the meaning of Uranus.
*The esoteric Sun in Leo hides the meanings of Neptune and the hierarchical one veils the energies of Uranus

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