In this article we will expose, through the analysis of a definition and its subsequent application in a practical example, how esoteric astrology interprets the meaning of "the Ascending Sign".
The esoteric aspect of an interpretation deals with the inner meaning that forms, just as the exoteric aspect deals with the external activities of these forms. Therefore the esoteric astrology makes reference to the subjective aspect of the signs and the exoteric to the objective aspect. The two astrologists are complementary, as are the Soul with the Personality.
The Ascendant
The ascendant is the sign that appears by the Orient just at birth, the cardinal point through which, according to ancient traditions, comes to us Wisdom. The nascent sign of the birth chart is the energy that rules the entire chart, because it is thanks to him that a horoscope can be drawn in its fullness.
Esoteric meaning of the Rising Sing
The Ascendant also called rising sing- “Indicates the future life and the immediate purpose of the soul for this incarnation. It keeps the secret of the future and presents the force that, properly used, will lead man to success. It represents the Sattva Guna the goodness, the harmonic aspect of life, and can produce right relationships between the soul and the personality in a given incarnation, thus pointing the way to recognizing the strength of the soul”.
Well, as this definition tells us, for the esoteric astrology the ascendant, (along with its esoteric ruler), is the sign that, through its symbolism and understanding, can show us the key to the problem of our life, as well as some indication of what we can become and achieve.
To recognize the esoteric qualities of the rising sing from the joy of the heart is to recognize a second "sun", not so obvious and personal as the sun sign, but more subjective and "overflowing" (full) of news.
The role of the Ascendant in the face of the need for conscience
Now, it must be said that in order to recognize and correctly use the subjective qualities of the rising sign, one must have a consciousness with a certain degree of evolution, that is, with tendencies, needs and spiritual nuances.
Being an ordinary human being does not need to recognize the more esoteric qualities of his ascendant, his conscience, (persona list or materialist), is centered on the most instinctive desires and therefore does not have the need to deepen. We could say that in these cases these qualities numb in unconsciousness or in the heavens and that for them, exoteric or traditional astrology as a means to understand their tendencies, attitudes and possibilities is still clearly enough.
But, certainly more and more are the consciences with more subtle and complex needs; consciences that demand approaches and astrological readjustments more in line with their subjective reality. They are beings where self-observation and internal reflection, and not so much the external experience of the material, is the basis for achieving a certain degree of impersonality or active altruism.
Recall that astrology influences but does not obligate, and this is so because in the human being the law of free will is unbreakable, and this freedom is totally conditioned by the conscience that experience.
Therefore, and we will not get tire of repeating it because of the importance it entails, it is the consciences that to a greater or lesser extent have spiritual tendencies that can (need) to recognize the esoteric meaning "written" in the Ascendant. And this enriching recognition will inevitably bring about a readjustment of the old tendencies or lines of least resistance "written" mainly in the Sun sign.
This attitude of accepting or recognizing new possibilities, if the person does not understand astrology, will take place naturally. The urgency of the need itself will evoke, through different situations, the new energies that will reverberate in the reflective conscience and that later it will be able to use in a practical way.
If the person has knowledge of esoteric astrology, or understands something of this wonderful system of self-knowledge, this approach will be done rather through a conscious reflection of the esoteric meaning of the rising sing. Thanks to this meditation the conscience will be able to evoke in its daily reality situations where the quality of its ascendant sign can be experienced.
The "talents" of the rising sign
Then, and by way of summary, we understand that the energy of rising sign plus its esoteric ruler allows consciences with spiritual tendencies the following:
. It allows recognizing in the conscience the purpose of the soul for a certain life. In other words, it allows the acquisition of soul consciousness.
.The energy of the ascendant + esoteric ruler allows achieving a superior harmony between the soul and the personality achieved only with the line of the sun sign.
. The rising sign allows putting under its regency the sun sign for a more correct expression. For this the quality of the ascendant + esoteric ruler must be reflected, analyzed and experienced as an energy "superior" to the energy of the sun sign + exoteric ruler. This is done first subjectively, from the interior silence, the place where the soul resides. But little by little the energy of the Soul is also imposed on personal forces (physical emotional and concrete mental) and their more material environment. This attitude basically mental superior, (abstract and intuitive), will inevitably put the sun sign under the benign orders of the ascendant.
The reflexive opposition.
(Practical example)
Well, arrived here, we propose to perform a practical exercise, "by reflexive opposition", an exercise that will allow us, from the esoteric side, a greater integration of the two main signs of our horoscope.
Basically the exercise presents an essential duality, the contrast of the esoteric meaning of the rising sing versus the already more known exoteric meaning of the sun sign.
To make such a contrast in reflective consciousness, we recommend using the guide phrases provided by Alice Bailey's Esoteric Astrology book, which we attach to you at the end of this article. They are very suggestive phrases, phrases that if we analyze them carefully we realize their power of synthesis.
One can think that in principle this reflexive opposition can generate a blockade, butit is not, because the power of Life includes both signs, and it is a condition of the Consciousness (of Soul) to generate harmony with them. A balance that will be reflected in a personality or objective expression more correct.
Practical example
Ascendant Virgo - Sun in Leo
To finish we show an example imagined by way of illustration. The guide phrases for each sign have been extracted from the diagrams that we attach at the end of the article.
Let’s imagine a horoscope with the ascendant Virgo, sun in Leo, of a conscience with certain spiritual or altruistic nuances, but also, logically, with more personal or personal desires.
The two phrases guide:
From the angle of the soul (the rising sing) the Virgin says:
"I am the Mother and the Child, I am God. I am the matter”
From the soul aspect, Virgo is the custodian of the natural processes that Life applies to matter. The Life aspect is divided into three: The Mother as the practical receptive aspect, the Child as the aspect of love and God as the will aspect, and the three are mixed in the material substance. The laborious process that will make this mixture a divine unity is governed by the Virgin Mother.
From the angle of the shape (solar sign) the Lion says:
“That other forms exist, I rule”
The meaning of the phrase for the most material aspect of the sun sign is clear. It is known to many that the Sun in Leo exoterically speaking is the quality of royalty, power, generosity, pride, and dominion.
The opposition is evident, and here the power of the Lion will not be dominated so easily. And his majestic pride, often confused with generosity, can be a great deterrent to the noble intentions of the Virgin.
But the need of the soul always presses. And it is then that the power of the soul will generate internal circumstances (types of thought, feelings) or external (sudden changes in the environment, situations that escape the most personal control, physical symptoms) that will force the Lion to recognize other forms, forces, processes or states of conscience that only attend to the Law that Virgo imposes.
Then Leo from this same impossibility to rule these new incoming energies will begin to pay attention to Virgo the Mother, as a new reality much more subjective, a reality that with his work builder dignifies the matter. A reality that forces us to abandon Leo's centered or egoistic position to recognize the same dignity in all other beings.
Virgo is the noble earth that protects the seed embedded in its own substance. She is the patient who constructs "That which will be" thanks to the care of the Mother (Material) Maria.
The esoteric ruler of Virgo is the Moon, because it is in the interior of the most basic and instinctive lunar forms (physical / emotional / mental) that the expression of a divine character can be forged. Here the moon is veiled or conditioned by the power of Vulcan: "the smith who works in the interior of the earth."
Volcano is the God of Fire that shapes the forms from the inside of the earth. The fire of Vulcan speaks to us of the mental aspect, willful, disciplined and constructor that Virgo is able to apply to the material substances symbolized in the Moon as virgen matter.
The interior of the earth is fire, and it is the power of that fire that shapes the continents.
This is a slow, persistent process that demands the warmth and calm of Mother Earth, something that the proud and passionate Lion is not willing to accept. But the process of the soul is always an unstoppable process, and in its "defeat", the Lion will discover greater freedom.
Psychologically, Virgo from the Ascendant or Soul aspect is essentially a sign builder, industrious, introverted, calm, with earthly heat, humble, constant, persistent, willful, disciplined, discriminating, focused is its internal processes, orderly, away from noise, happy with what little, basic from only what is necessary, lover of knowing, ready to help, debugger, sufferer, noble, ..., all with the intention of purifying, structuring and growing the inner seed of That Love that every being is destined to express
(Houses) In the zodiac walk an ascendant Virgo with sun in Leo implies placing the sun in house XII, the house of the endings, retreats, solitude, spirituality ..., situations that will give the birth (Virgo in House I) of a new be, a new form (body, feeling, mental attitude) more in keeping with the need of the Soul. It is important to attend the house where the esoteric ruler (moon) is located, because this house indicates through what situations the process will be carried out.
The rays
In this relation the rays involved are the 2 of Love and Wisdom, the 6 of Devotion to the Ideal on the part of Virgo and the 1 of Will and Power on the part of Leo.
On the part of the Virgin Mother, the line pair of rays (2-6) is very activated, the loving sensitive line that can mold and soften the great power of self-affirmation that Leo treasures (1R).
This attitude, Virgo, (in this example the reflection of the consciousness of the Soul), carries it out with the force of the Moon (4R of Harmony and Conflict) plus the 1R power of Will and Power that Vulcan brings, that is, understanding that in the conflict there is the opportunity to activate the constructive will that can adjust the personal excesses characteristic of Leo with the more loving, helpful, characteristic features of Virgo in soul.
Finally, it must be clear that these rays, associated with the signs and their regents, are only complements of the two main rays of the soul and personality. That is, having a certain ascendant and esoteric ruler in principle does not imply belonging to a certain ray of the soul. This is something that we will discuss in a future article.
They are the passing of the years, with their joys and difficulties that create the need-curiosity that makes us advance along the way.
We expose the scheme of belonging to the book Esoteric Astrology of Alice Bailey, our main reference book, which shows us the guiding phrase for each sign of its opposite angles: The guide phrases from the angle of the soul are reflected in many of the articles of this Blog.
Material consciousness
From Pisces to Aries through the signs from the angle of the form very related to the sun sign. (Natural order or retrograde path of the greater cycle of the sun through the signs)
Pisces. – And the World said: Go forth into matter.
Aquarius. – And the World said: Let desire in form be ruler.
Capricorn. – And the World said: Let ambition rule and the door stand wide.
Sagittarius.– And he World said: Let food be sought.
Scorpio. – And the World said: Let Maya flourish and let deception rule.
Libra. – And the World said: Let choice be made.
Virgo. – And the World said: Let matter reign.
Leo. – And the World said: Let other forms exist. I rule.
Cancer. – And the World said: Let isolation be the rule and yet the crowd exists.
Gemini. – And the World said: Let instability do its work.
Taurus. – And the World said: Let strength be un-dismayed.
Aries. – And the World said: Let form again be sought.
The soul consciousness
From Aries to Pisces through the signs of the angle of the soul closely related to the esoteric meaning of The Ascendant. (Spiritual order or the "return to the father")
Aries. – I come forth and from the place mind I rule.
Taurus. – I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined.
Gemini. – I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.
Cancer. – I build a lighted house and therein dwell.
Leo. – I am That and That am I.
Virgo. – I am the Mother and the Child, I God. I matter am.
Libra. – I choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force.
Scorpio. – Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant.
Sagittarius. – I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another.
Capricorn. – Lost am I in Light supernal, yet on that light I turn back.
Aquarius. – Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.
Pisces. – I leave the Father’s Home and turning back I save.
Exoteric - Esoteric and Hierarchical Rulers
For esoteric astrology there are three types of planets, personal or exoteric ruler, soul or esoteric ruler and spiritual or hierarchical ruler.
To achieve the expression of the spiritual level of a sign, first you have to have a high degree of understanding of the level of consciousness or Soul since it is this level that makes the union of the three possible.
The following table lists these rulerships:
Orthodox Ruler
Esoteric Ruler
Hierarchical Ruler
Sun (Neptune)
Sun (Uranus]
Moon (Vulcan)
Moon (Uranus)
The ascendant must be thought of as "gift", quality, or energy that is expressed with force or personal dynamics (sun), through the moon or karmic form, also called lower triad: pysical, emotional and concrete mental.
David C.M. (
Translated from Spanish to English by Lester Fernandez
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