
The esoteric ruler of Cancer


In the three water signs, we can observe the symbolic path of manifestation. Cancer is the beginning, the active power of a river being born; Scorpio is the river's course, where the active power of the first impulse experiences the "ups and downs" of the path; and Pisces is the end, where the river subsides, mingling with the grandeur of the ocean or the whole.

Cancer is "the first creative water" through which Souls come into manifestation in a well-defined physical form. The union of Aries (mind-idea), Taurus (desire-substance) and Gemini (etheric body-communication), inevitably leads us to Cancer: all three condensed into one body or dense physical form.

The synthesis of the past reincarnates through Cancer and this synthesis in the human body is what we esoterically call the lunar pitris or lower triad of manifestation which itself condenses mind, emotion and vitality or etheric body.

Astrologically, the Lunar pattern in a birth chart marks the root principle of a birth; childhood with its initial impulses gives us much information about the first attitudes (positive or negative) upon which the Soul must strive to be and evolve.

Remember that the greater consciousness always contains the lesser and therefore the basic inertias, drives, attachments, tendencies, limitations, dreams, or handicaps symbolised by the Moon, are the "raw material" for the potent, passionate and active solar energy to acquire conscious experience of a personal self. 

Later, when via the evolutionary pressure of reincarnated consciousness the more egocentric or selfish energy related to the sun sign is redirected towards the meanings of the rising sign, the lunar forces can express the more altruistic qualities of the Soul such as harmony, joy, understanding or trust. The outer world is always the counterpart of the inner world.

In the receptive and feminine world of the night, Mystery can exert its subtle influence on Matter, so that when the Light comes forth, it (matter) can show the nobility of the acquired Mystery.


The Moon can be understood as "the emotional mind", that psychic pattern capable of generating inertia in the etheric-physical body. "She" is the reflex reaction, the first response a child is shown by its mother and the first tool of contact with the world around it. Once we are more mature, the Lunar pattern has a direct relationship with Saturn and those thoughts - emotions that "we don't know the reason" keep repeating themselves to us, in a compulsive way conditioning our reactions to the circumstances around us. As we already know, these Saturnian (karmic) difficulties must be understood as an opportunity.

As Cancer is the first water sign where Souls come into Life, the first Lunar impulse or "childhood" shows in this sign its raison d'ĂȘtre or dignity. Any personality strongly conditioned by these forces will be attached to their most basic, spontaneous feelings, to their past, childhood, family, friends, country.... However, a person with a strong Cancer or Moon can also show a "noble" psychic pattern, with great empathic capacity, familiar, welcoming, sensitive, evocative, and receptive to the spiritual worlds. When this happens, we must think that the esoteric ruler, Neptune, is making an appearance.

The ruler esoteric of Cancer


Neptune is the God of Water, and as such is the master of emotions-feelings; he transmits the much needed energy of the 6th Ray, Devotion, that power which gives us the motivation to be actively loving. In the human body, his power lies in the solar plexus and the proper utilisation of its energies by the consciousness gives the human being the ability to "walk on water".

In achieving mastery of the emotions, man/woman takes the first step in learning to offer an ever more constant and Will-directed service of Love.

Neptune, when the personality is well held by the Soul, can have a direct relationship with the intuition. The Loving-Devotion of the 6th Ray of Neptune is receptive, by affinity, to the second intuitive plane of Loving-Wisdom, hence Jupiter, the representative of the 2nd Ray is exalted in Cancer. At these levels of consciousness the six (solar plexus) and the two (heart) are first cousins, mutually feeding back into each other. The peace or simplicity of feeling fixed in the solar plexus is the "cradle" that invokes the intuition descending from the heart, which is the Soul in the higher mind.

The Neptunian "flowing emotion" is the "leaven", the psychic aspect, through which the Christic principle synthesises or makes concrete its service. From the need arises the intuition which, as a return, will be the motivation. Outstanding examples of this relationship are those of Jesus with Christ, Arjuna with Krishna, or the sincere Mystics with “the Beloved”.

It is not superfluous to say that in the New Times we must also keep in mind the cosmic mental powers (Uranus) or the concrete mental powers (Venus), since humanity's evolutionary process has for a long time been demanding new and more concrete reasoning about what was once called "the mystery of divine love". In time heart - mind, or science - religion will come together as one.

The phrases

For a personal egoistic consciousness the phrase is: “let isolation be the rule and yet the crowd exists”. 

For the path of the Soul. it's

I build a lit house and therein dwell

If we compare the two phrases, knowing that they refer to a water sign (emotion, feeling and sensitivity), we can consider that the key word is attachment. In the first one, the excess of attachment generates isolation or the need to defend oneself, and at the same time dependence on the environment and the tendencies of the mass or crowd. In the first sentence there is a duality, in the second it disappears, there is only the capacity to be alone in consciousness. Detachment offers understanding solitude, independence right discernment, so that "one's own house" can be built and in its Light, an invitation to share.

The Rays through Cancer

The esoteric books tell us that Cancer and Capricorn are the two gates that bring the Souls into reincarnation, therefore in these signs the Vital Organisation of matter (7th Ray) is very much present for its Practical and Intelligent application (3rd Ray) to the needs or desires of the reincarnating consciousness.

The 6th Ray of Devotion and Ideal through Neptune and the 4th Ray of Harmony and Beauty through the lunar conflicts offer in Cancer the necessary conditions for the reincarnated Soul to experience life in form through the psychic sensitivity or aspect and its conflicts and harmonies. 

Just like in the animal world, the grounding point of life in matter is related to instinct or natural intelligence, so in the human being it is intimately related to the lower or higher psychism, psychism being understood as "the substance” in which mind and desire are mixed.

David C.M.


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