
Uranus, Esoteric Ruler of Libra


We know that Libra conveys balance, the gift of uniting the above with the below. In Aries creative power is present, in Libra this power must be balanced with the environment in which it has manifested.

Libra rules the VII house, where relationships with the environment are deeply established. The first house affirms “I am”, an affirmation that in house VII is reflected as “you are”; nothing makes sense if we do not understand the deep reason for being of our brothers, and in this understanding, our I am ceases to be so egocentric to be more balanced.

Subjectively, house VII is “the little voice” that, in a difficult situation created by the excess of “I am”, responds to the question formulated by the needy conscience: "What would you do? This little voice, this YOU that we ask, is the correct and balanced complement to the excess of “I”.

In truth, this YOU is a reflection of the Soul before the need of the personality humiliated by the excess of “I”. As the Hindu saying goes: “God lives in you as You”, the You being the quality of our Soul reflected in the other or the 7th house.

The Rulers of the Balance

The exoteric ruler of Libra is Venus, the planet that best expresses Beauty, and this is because Venus is a mental planet, with a sublime intelligence, capable of concretizing as Beauty or making real as Balance “that which is intelligently measured” (Beauty and Balance are synonyms, their meanings are an experience ruled by Venus).

In poorly evolved people, where their consciousness is excessively polarized in their desires and their basic emotions, the beauty that concretizes the intelligence of Venus is very conditioned by the egoistic experience that promotes such desire. Now, when this consciousness, in order to achieve the desired balance, does not find the correct mental attitude, it begins to have the need to go up one more step in its way of thinking. And in this new step arise the qualities of the Soul, (discrimination, reflection, meditation, altruism, intuition), as the ruler of the excessively self-interested or emotionally self-centered personal forces. At this new level a higher Venus emerges, more in consonance with the intelligence demanded by the new need.

In human psychology the dualities and the difficulties that are generate are shown to us in the consciousness through the opposition of concepts such as desire - need, feeling - thought, mind - heart, soul - personality, spirit - matter...; as well as through the doubts that their differences give us: should I renounce or act, be generous with others or think more of myself, give the reason to my partner or take it away, read this book or this one, which thought is more correct, this desire is good or bad?

When this confusion, doubts and questions invade us, if the conscience is honest, the tension that is generated will invoke the power of Uranus, the esoteric ruler of Libra, as “the divine inspiration” that the superior intelligence of Venus will concretize as a balanced experience, an expressed beauty, "a rest on the way".


the esoteric ruler of Libra

Uranus: is the energy that unveils the secret in (through) matter itself. The quality of this planet is to offer a synthesis, (an order), on the material plane, therefore the matter organized by Uranus is inclusive, it gives off divinity, it is magical, because it is a reflection of the “ray” or the light that inspires us. Uranus organizes in matter the many nuances at play, thus offering dynamism and radiance.

Through the meanings of Libra the united qualities of Uranus and Venus are able to express outwardly in a harmonious and radiant whole all the creative potential that all dual tensions are amassed. The need for balance in Libra presses Venus for her mental attitude to unveil a new order in matter through the inspiration, or rather, the new ideas of Uranus.

The Libran process shows us that balance is not achieved through an overly concentrated or proud mind (fire), or in the denial or exaltation of feelings (water), or in the activity or passivity of the physical body (earth), but rather it is achieved through the clarity brought by the coming and going of the air, where with its passing everything is illuminated, as if renewed, refreshed, of “easy breathing and agile walking”.

The phrases for Libra

For one who has not yet developed spiritual consciousness the ruling phrase is:

Let the choice be made”

making it clear that in this consciousness there can be no inclusiveness. A choice must be made and therefore something must be discarded. Here the nuances are minimal and according to the desire of this consciousness so will be the choice.

At this stage the consciousness is polarized in personal desire and its lower emotional and egoistic mental derivative. Personal sympathies exert too much power, the solar plexus totally conditions the mind, Venus expresses itself from its lower position, thus closing the door to the beneficial influence of Uranus.

For those who have already developed a certain sense of Soul, where altruism, harmlessness and inclusive intelligence are the key, the phrase for the Soul is:

I choose the path that leads between the two great lines of force

Wonderful phrase that calms the heart of every restless mind. Choosing to walk between our material past and our spiritual future with attention to the present is a very balanced, intelligent, healing attitude.

Two great lines of force, the spiritual and the material, and the decision of the soul as the great mediator converge in Libra. This is the gift that "the balance" offers to the evolved consciousness, the understanding of the "here and now" as a vital attitude, an attitude that includes in itself the diverse realities.

In this type of consciousness, the mental balance and its experience (Venus), is able to invoke the power of Uranus, the "cosmic creativity", to unravel the doubts created by duality, thus revealing the (until then secret) purpose of the Soul. A new balance emerges, a new understanding, a new experience....

Breaking the protection of the crystal in which we are reflected means having the ability to create another, because otherwise the consciousness returns to the safety of the previous crystal. Uranus, as the esoteric ruler of Libra, has the power to reveal the reality of the new crystal.


Subtle dual psychological attitudes

We enclose a series of pairs of opposites proposed by the Tibetan Master taken from the chapter on Libra in Alice Bailey's Esoteric Astrology.

They are dualities very active in the principles of the spiritual path:

Fickleness and Versatility - Secure and established position.

Imbalance - Equilibrium

Preference, Prejudice - Justice, Judgment

Obtuse Stupidity - Enthusiastic Wisdom.

Ostentatious Falsehood - True Correct Expression

Intrigue - Honest Conduct

Material Attitudes - Spiritual Attitudes.

. . . <> . . .

Dualities in the horoscope

In the circle of a natal chart the consciousness of the reincarnating being must be placed in the center, and from there, she must exercise observation or meditation on the different “aspects” that surround her. Her identification must be with the whole and not with a part.

Even so, and as a practical reflective exercise, the energies (constellations), forces (planets), and places of experience (houses) that form the astrological mandala can be presented as confronted dualities. Positions that must be meditated, directed and balanced by the conscience of the subject owner of the horoscope in pursuit of the needed growth.

To carry out this exercise we suggest taking into account the contraposition of the following dualities:

-Ascendant sign (soul-related quality) <versus> Solar sign (personality-related quality)

-Esoteric ruler of the ascendant (soul expression) <versus> Exoteric solar ruler (personal expression)

-House of the esoteric ruler (place of expression of the soul) <versus> House of the exoteric ruler (place of personal expression)

- House I and the meaning of its sign (“I am”) <versus> House VII and the meaning of its sign (“you are”)

In truth, although it may not seem so, these dualities are complementary, not antagonistic.

The blindfolded woman and her sword. To impart justice implies a sincere look inside, (symbolized in the blindfold), to the Soul. The mind, detached from the external, from inner peace can apply justice, symbolized by the sword.

The fundamental quality or energy of Libra

The quality that most conditions Libra is the energy of the 3rd R of Practical Intelligence, also called the ray of Adaptability, what we popularly call common sense or the naturalness of “things”.

In the qualities of this ray reside the rules that govern matter, the laws or balances that allow its expression, hence Saturn is its hierarchical ruler and is exalted in this sign.

Saturn is the ultimate bearer of the law or karma. He is the ruler of personal impediment, he is the “circle not passed” through which the Soul has the opportunity to manifest (experience) in matter. Indeed the difficulty posed by Saturn in every horoscope is the opportunity to achieve the discipline that the Soul needs for Its manifestation

Rays involved in Libra:

The 3rd Ray of Practical Intelligence manifests in Libra through the 5th Ray of Concrete Intelligence (Venus) and the 7th Ray of Organization, Ceremony and Magic (Uranus).

In other words, the laws governing matter (3rd R) are concretized and manifested through the 5th and 7th Rays.

Libra is not the only sign carrying the 3rd Ray of Practical Intelligence in our solar system, Cancer and Capricorn are also, but “the balance” expresses the intermediate point of these two.

Esoterically in Cancer arises the manifestation in the form with all its Karmic derivatives, attachments, defects or inherited virtues, and in Capricorn arises the final liberation of this inherited form, thanks to the power of the will, discipline and its consequent detachment. And in between the two, Libra, as the balance between these two antagonistic positions that as you know are not solved, (unified), in a single life.

Table of rulerships proposed by Alice Bailey





















































*The Moon in Virgo veils the meaning of Vulcan and in Aquarius the meaning of Uranus.
*The esoteric Sun in Leo hides the meanings of Neptune and the hierarchical one veils the energies of Uranus

David C.M.


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