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The Esoteric Ruler of Taurus
In May, we are in Taurus, and this is clear from nature through its magnificent glory. Taurus' energy is the one most closely related to the sensual and exuberant beauty of nature, the nurturing mother that welcomes us and lets us experience
Taurus' form is at its peak (the Moon's exaltation), thus generating the key words for the exoteric or materialistic Taurus: "desire the form, struggle to possess the form".
In Taurus exoteric, Venus, the exoteric ruler, expresses itself through personal desire. The physical-emotional body has so much power that inevitably conditions the mental body (reflected in Venus) forcing it to submit to the "bull's onslaught". This is the lower triad (concrete - emotional and physical mind), which is entirely focused on desire. Taurus' personality often manifests itself with a strong tendency for stubbornness, with an abrupt power to possess the desired object.
This in itself is not improper, mother nature herself with her vital life-giving interactions shows us that this attitude is necessary. But man is different from animal; the human realm is one which has its feet anchored in the laws of mother nature, but at the same time has a need to look up to the "sky" and probe into the mysteries which in its immensity can be sensed. The curiosity for the mystery of Life nestles in the human being and the nature form must be the right recipient and expression of Beauty from these unknown worlds and not, itself, the objective to be possessed. The Mother (Matter) is sacred, and upon the right understanding and utilization of her qualities is the right expression of the Father (Spirit) reflected as Beauty.
The human race at some far distant point in its history, distorted this magnificent relationship with the force of nature, also called the mother of all forms, and turned its ability (Will) to forge and create new forms that would house its ever superior discoveries, into a centralised (blind) desire to possess these forms and an unwillingness to share or improve them to move forward. This inevitably generated the selfish manipulation and control of these sacred forms and thus a betrayal of the laws of spontaneity or naturalness. Inevitably, this calls for a painful restructuring of the entire human race through the Law of Cause and Effect or Karma. It is clear that the manipulation of Natural Law for the sake of one's own desire is a mistake, a sin, which in itself generates pain, the need to return to the sacred principle.
To understand that everything comes of its own natural right, to know how to distinguish between selfish (imposed) desire and natural desire (need), these are the first steps that every human being must learn before they can cease to be what in many other lifetimes they were too much of: a brute force (bull).
The pain generated by unfulfilled (or inhibited) desire or the weariness generated by its excess, as well as the doubts and fears of "right or wrong desire", force the evolved individual to make an effort, through the acceptance of discrimination, to detach the mind from the emotional-astral body, thus achieving a more realistic perception of the needs more appropriate to their evolutionary level or the Soul. Re-balancing and inner growth becomes "desire with inner projection", the desire to know the Soul, the place where duality does not exist.
It is in this ultimate process that VULCAN, the esoteric ruler of Taurus, plays its role. This planet has the quality of knowing how to shape and handle the powerful forces of the "bull" through the Soul's "desire", and for this the key word is aspiration.
To aspire means to take something external (the air - life) and to draw it in. It means to take the personal forces out of their playground, the outer world of form, through the Soul's love, the subjective or inner world.
Psychologically, it's the renewal of our values, principles, knowledge or motivational ideals so that they are closer to our true inner need, or Soul reality. It's the resonance in our heart of these new values that creates the power to transform desire into aspiration. Aspiration for what is beautiful, to acquire spiritual knowledge, intelligence, in short, more "LIGHT".
The evolved individual, through newly acquired knowledge, is able to gather their personal destructive, aggressive tendencies and direct them towards their inner world, to achieve acceptance (understanding) and the right (harmless) thinking that such acceptance provides, thus demonstrating to themselves and their environment, that the wonderful Flower that Mother Nature offers us is not to be plucked by the force of a blind desire to possess, but rather, respected and cherished by the mysterious desire generated by the power of its fragrance.
The words that rule Taurus are:
"I see, and when the eye is opened , all is illuminated".
The phrase implies that first we must see, (have intuition-knowledge of), our inner self, where our causal reality is not twofold but rather "the source" of the Light (intelligence) that illuminates all, the desire and the desired object, the knowledge and the one who acquires, the path and the wayfarer, the flower and the beholder.
La Luna is exalted in Taurus and Venus dignified, demonstrating the great power of beauty (Venus) and form (Moon) in this sign.
Venus, despite being the exoteric ruler, should never be left on the sidelines, since as a sacred planet, it always has its role. In this case, once the step is taken towards Vulcan, the "forger in the cave", Venus offers the intelligence of knowing how to share beauty (or acquired knowledge) without being a bull blinded by desire.
Vulcan is an undiscovered planet, but esoteric books place it in very close proximity to the sun's orbit. Therefore, from the point of view of interpretation, in a horoscope of an evolved being with ascendant Taurus we can substitute the Sun for the shaping, strong-willed functions of this planet. In this case, it will be necessary to know how to oppose the strength of the Sun sign and its exoteric ruler (personality), with the role of the Sun veiling to Vulcan, ruler of the ascendant (Soul). The Sun can be analysed from two points of view.
Taurus-Scorpio: this duality is the guiding contrast generating disillusionment, pain and the consequent need for the Taurus to refocus their powerful force as aspiration. Taurus, on account of their stubborn, centralised "nobility", finds it very difficult to conceive that their desire can be selfish and thus destroyed and redirected, hence Scorpio, capable of maintaining the desire and the desired object, if bad karma demands it, as real (but false), thus generating Taurus' "pain" (disillusionment) and their consequent need (aspiration) to look within, for the Light (knowledge).
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Most present rays through
In Taurus the Fifth Ray of Concrete Intelligence through Venus, the First Ray of Will and Power through Vulcan and the Third Ray of Adaptability through Earth (Taurus is an earth sign with a strong relationship to our planet ruled by the 3rd ray) are presents. And all three are submitted to the Fourth Ray of Harmony and Beauty through the Conflict that the sign itself brings with it, the latter ray being Taurus' characteristic talent for expressing Beauty.
If you notice the first 3 rays of expression are uneven, that is, they qualities are mental, cold, extroverts, with the ability to project This is the difficulty of Taurus' force (in its desire-generated conflict) to be introverted and to direct a (flexible and loving) inward gaze and not towards the desire-generating form aspect.
The Power of Taurus can be blind, a detached mind (5R), strong-willed (1R) understood as "stubbornness" and manipulative (3R), over-centred in the conflict that generates its powerful desire focused on the outer form. The esoteric opportunity here lies in understanding that the intelligence of Venus is the instrument of Love and not of desire, thus discovering, (through experience on Earth), the Vulcan, the persistence, the will-desire to acquire spiritual knowledge that builds Harmony and Beauty.
Taurus in many ways is a difficult sign because the word “Desire” is implicit in the root of all that evolves towards the One, perhaps, in the case of the human being, the secret of its dynamics is hidden in the phrase:
“Human evolution should give strength to the deva, and the deva, joy to the human. Man should communicate to the devas the objective point of view, while they in turn will pour in on him their healing magnetism (vitality)”
The Comprehension of Force.
Alice Bailey - Letters on Occult Meditation
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Constellation/Sign | Exoteric Ruler | Esoteric Ruler | Hierarchical Ruler |
Aries | Mars | Mercury | Uranus |
Taurus | Venus | Vulcan | Vulcan |
Gemini | Mercury | Venus | Earth |
Cancer | Moon | Neptune | Neptune |
Leo | Sun | Sun (Neptune) | Sun (Uranus] |
Virgo | Mercury | Moon (Vulcan) | Jupiter |
Libra | Venus | Uranus | Saturn |
Scorpio | Mars | Mars | Mercury |
Sagittarius | Jupiter | Earth | Mars |
Capricorn | Saturn | Saturn | Venus |
Aquarius | Uranus | Jupiter | Moon (Uranus) |
Pisces | Jupiter | Pluto | Pluto |
David C.M.
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