Each sign shows us a certain type of energy, and through each of the ruling planets, Man's consciousness must manage and direct this "power" in order to experience and evolve.
Consciousness in a given life may be polarised in the emotions or perhaps in the mind, or perhaps in a more integrated personality where the mind and emotions express a certain unity. In these cases the sun sign and its exoteric ruler are the "masters" of the chart, always accompanied by the lunar characteristics, as these offer the expressive form for the solar consciousness, the moon in this case being a reflection of the sun.
But when worldly experiences do not fulfil a human being's heart, they turn their gaze inward and try to find their way back to their original principle or living reality.
When this step is taken, it must be considered that the sign of the Ascendant shows us the energetic quality that will help us along this path. We can say that the Soul aspect becomes conscious to us in the process of "subjecting" the exoteric characteristics of the sun sign to the more esoteric meanings of the ascendant sign. The moon in this case will no longer be just a reflection of the sun, but also of the ASC sign.
Esoteric Ruler of
Gemini is the interconnecting quality of dualities and in this sense is the ultimate Christic energy, for the Soul or Christic principle, with its quality of Love and Wisdom, shows, at all levels of creation, how the duality of Matter and Spirit must be related and fused.
This principle, esoterically called Second Ray, relates to Spirit through Love and to Matter through Wisdom.
In the psychological pattern of a human being, the good management of Gemini energy by the consciousness helps to relate and unify duality, right - wrong, selfishness - generosity, mind - heart, Personality - Spirit, through the mental fluidity offered by Mercury – Venus coupled with the power of the 2nd Ray transmitted by the sign
If the human being in question is not very evolved, this fluidity is ruled by Mercury, "the star of conflict", which offers mental fluidity, relationship, versatility, vitality, and intuition in its coming and going between the different dualities.
Gemini energy is shown here, and I don't want to be negative, as a personality, communicative, courageous, naive, passionate, mischievous, interested, talkative, dynamic, creative, conflictive, inconstant, sympathetic, unstable, often hasty and without constructive intention, but always vital. These are all qualities of the Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict when expressed (from Mercury) through a rather selfish, or if you prefer, materialistic consciousness.
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The Dance of Venus around the Sun. The rose and the five. |
When in such a consciousness, for reasons of karmic disillusionment and disenchantment, the interest in external forms is abandoned and the need arises to look inwards and thus travel "the return path”, then the Gemini energy can be utilised through its esoteric ruler: Venus. Here, Gemini must be ascendant and the position of Venus in the horoscope must be taken into account.
On this "return path to the Father's house" Venus uses Gemini's energy, including all the fluid and versatile communicative qualities of Mercury, (let us not forget that the greater consciousness includes the lesser), to unify and make concrete.
Venus, through Gemini and thanks to the intuitive gift of Mercury, is able to understand the underlying causes behind the dualities involved. This allows for more stable, directed and functional mental agility, whilst remaining fluid. Here, the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom works in conjunction with the Light of Concrete Knowledge reflected in the Fifth Ray. At these levels of consciousness, the Love transmitted by Gemini (2nd Ray) arises through the Intuition of Mercury (4th Ray) and the Light of Venus ruled by the 5th Ray of Concrete Intelligence.
The Key Phrase
For the common man or personality the key phrase would be: "May instability do its work"; but for the evolved man or Soul, it is:
“I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow”
Interestingly, if you look at it, it is about recognising the lower self, the problem is always in recognising our egotistical self, "the other person is always to blame". On the other hand, it’s a logical problem, for the lower self does not see itself as a problem, as its "karmic" linkage with matter does not allow it to have an impartial vision. Therefore the Soul must recognise the "dark" part so that it can exercise its esoteric role as a creator of opportunity and growth. To grow is recognising oneself in the lived experience, (painful or pleasant), and through this perception to shine, to achieve greater detachment, freedom, i.e. Soul-consciousness.
The "two brothers" need and interact with each other in order to gain experience and thus to accept and recognise the hierarchy that exists between them.
Seen from the perspective of the wonderful story told in the Bagavad-Gita: Arjuna, (the personality) in full crisis, recognises in themself their sincere and trusting love for Krishna (the Soul), and the latter spontaneously responds by showing him His wise counsel. The Soul, Krishna, grows through the recognition of Arjuna.
As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a good Guru, only a good Pupil. The personality's decay does not imply its total destruction, but rather its readjustment, refining itself for a greater ability to serve. The personality asks questions, the Soul illuminates the answers and makes you believe in it/them. Recognition of duality, control by the Soul.
The three rulers of Gemini
show us the way through this great sign:
Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, provides vitality and intuitive curiosity, relating all kinds of dualities with his versatile abstract mind; Venus, the esoteric ruler, is able to comprehend from the Soul the Mercury's vitality and thus give greater stability or concreteness to the interplay; when this occurs, the quality of the Hierarchical ruler, the Earth, the "field" or "matter form" arises where such loving, building and mental fluidity must be experienced as a practical service
Sagittarius - Gemini
Astrology is the science of relationships, and the first of the relationships it offers us is that each sign has its opposite, turning the 12 into 6 or the 6 into 12.
"When the dual forces of the cosmic brothers (Gemini) become the energy of the one who rides towards the light (Sagittarius) then the fourth becomes the fifth. Humanity, the link, becomes the Hierarchy, the bestower of all good.Then all the Sons of God rejoice."
Alice Bailey – EA – Gemini
The following table lists these rulerships:
Constellation/Sign | Orthodox Ruler | Esoteric Ruler | Hierarchical Ruler |
Aries | Mars | Mercury | Uranus |
Taurus | Venus | Vulcan | Vulcan |
Gemini | Mercury | Venus | Earth |
Cancer | Moon | Neptune | Neptune |
Leo | Sun | Sun (Neptune) | Sun (Uranus] |
Virgo | Mercury | Moon (Vulcan) | Jupiter |
Libra | Venus | Uranus | Saturn |
Scorpio | Mars | Mars | Mercury |
Sagittarius | Jupiter | Earth | Mars |
Capricorn | Saturn | Saturn | Venus |
Aquarius | Uranus | Jupiter | Moon (Uranus) |
Pisces | Jupiter | Pluto | Pluto |
David C.M.
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