
Esoteric Venus

The qualities of esoteric Venus

Venus is the ruler of Love-Intelligent: the practical and "successful" application of love to outer circumstances through the power of the mind.

On a physical plane, Venus’ mental attitude is expressed as Beauty: the quality that unifies inner truth with outer truth.

We understand that in this sentence, taken from Alice Bailey's book "Occult Meditation", the meaning of the Light of Venus is:

"Man makes the devas (building forces) strong with his mental objectivity, (intelligence), meanwhile, they give us joy, magnetism and vitality.”

The key to the sentence lies in the concept of “mental objectivity”, because implicit in this is the oneness of the giver and the receiver. In the sentence, we can observe the dynamics of a balanced relationship expressed as a whole, because the two subjects of the sentence (man-deva) are both givers and receivers.

It is a creative, shared relationship, where the proposal, (mind-linked, objective will), is manifested or rather constructed externally as joy, magnetism or a positive response. The proposal in essence is creative, it is an outcome that depends entirely on its true intention being formulated objectively. Synonyms for objectivity could be honesty, truthfulness, fairness, impartiality, composure and neutrality.

Venus' quality is in the phrase "energy follows thought”, energy being the building Deva and thought being the Human will.

Venus is the quality of the 5th Ray, the lower mind (closer to matter) which with its intelligence can make the "divine light" from the higher mind or intuition concrete on the physical plane. Venus is the evoker of an honest or sincere mental attitude, "the miracle of right thinking".

Seen from another perspective it is the light of science, the brilliant, accurate and honest mental processes that uncover the laws of matter.

Astrology and Esoteric Psychology of Venus

  • Venus’ role in relation to the level of consciousness:

As we know there are two types of consciousness, soul consciousness and personal consciousness. The relationship between the two is full of nuances, but it is the law of nature that over time (lifetimes) the higher consciousness increases in light and the lower consciousness decreases. 

From the personal aspect, Venus is desire-intelligent and from the soul, it is love-intelligent. Therefore, Venus is the quality that blends with emotion (desire or love) through the mind. In other words, Venus is the light of intelligence which, from the mind, manages the astral body for the good of the desired or loved one. It must be understood that loving is not the same as desiring, although in many ways they are similar and sometimes even coincide.

  • The evolutionary path through the 4 signs of Venus:

As we have said Venus is the intelligence that joins with love or desire depending on the type of consciousness. In this article the intention is to assess soul consciousness, and the role that the love-intelligence of Venus plays in the evolutionary path to acquire such consciousness. Therefore, and in this more esoteric sense, Venus is:

  • In TAURUS(exoteric ruler) the mental attitude that brings with it Desire. The basic driving motivation. The stimulus that gives energy to life. The incentive, the aspiration.

  • In GEMINI(esoteric ruler) the mental attitude that relates and unifiesDuality. The relationship of the Personality to the Soul. The mental attitude brings out the negative aspect of the personality versus the positive aspect of the soul and relates them as Spiritual Consciousness.

  • In LIBRA(exoteric rulership) the evocative mind of Equilibrium. The clarity of mind that calms the conflict between the forces involved. The intelligent middle way. The Pause that allows us to visualise or perceive the way forward.

  • InCAPRICORN(hierarchical ruler) the intelligence that is the bearer of Realisation. The power for love or soul consciousness to express itself as service on the physical level. Spiritual Will is projected (through Love) as Concrete Service in the environment. In Capricorn Venus is the summit, the 3 in One.

  • In PISCES(exaltation) the loving intelligence that identifies with the Whole. Between the "two fish" there is no sense of bondage or duality but of Freedom. The perfect union of the Heart and Mind.

It is clear that a gradual process of acquiring soul consciousness is written into the cadence of the five signs, but for this process to move forward, Scorpio's power must intervene.

  • The role of Scorpio and the goodness of the path of Venus.

Scorpio is the energy that presents deception, with the veiled divine intention of ultimate triumph. Touching the black bottom to reach the white sky. The Scorpion versusthe Eagle.

Every reincarnated consciousness needs experiences, and for the sake of that need, Venus' light in Taurus, breaks through, the light that makes us see the goodness of desire that promotes action. But, the bull's nobility of desire comes to a point where it is challenged by Scorpio's energy, Venus’ light is poisoned by excess of desire and the power of the bull becomes blind, destructive. It is then that doubts and pain arise with the consequent need to understand, and for the sake of that need, Venus' light in Geminibreaks through, making us see the good in the duality that promotes the growth of the love of the soul over the desire of the personality. This intense process of the dual interplay of forces and the acquisition of new states of consciousness, by natural inertia, needs rest, and for the sake of that need, Venus' light in Libra, breaks through as the mental clarity that promotes the balance needed to visualise with serenity the next step to be taken.

Finally, and after repeating the Taurus-Gemini-Libra process over "many" lifetimes, comes the triumph of Scorpio in Capricorn's light. Scorpio's trials have achieved their objective: to be able to comprehend the law of matter or Saturn from the consciousness of the Soul. In this state of consciousness the purified personality no longer exerts distortion, thus the soul ceases to pay attention to the lower aspect of matter and directs its gaze to the higher aspect or spirit. This new attitude of consciousness again requires the light of Venus' intelligent love in Capricornas the gift of a mind that expresses spiritual energy through matter. Spirit and Matter free, but united, Venus in Pisces.

  • Venus, the light that knows us

Venus is the light that floods our intelligence making it love-intelligent, the quality that can be concretised as "that which is good".

Venus in Taurus makes us see the good of desire as a driver of life. In Gemini, it makes us see the good of duality as the producer of soul-knowledge. In Libra, it makes us see the good of balance as the giver of peace. In Capricorn, the good of the realising power that lies behind the spiritual purpose or will, a realisation which in Pisces is final liberation.

Venus’ light, even in the most difficult situations, is the goodness of a thought 

expressed in the beauty of a caress.

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