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In this new entry we will try to show in a simple way how the 7 Rays or the seven main energies of the Universe reach our Solar System via the qualities of the 12 Zodiac signs that surround it, and how the seven are then synthesised into the 7 sacred planets¹.
Now, it is of great importance to understand that the Solar Logos itself is governed by one of these 7 rays, namely the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdomand therefore we can say that in our solar system all 7 are subrays of the 2nd. Therefore all rays in their essence are conditioned by the aspect of love, as the popular expression says “God is Love” and we could add “and Wisdom”.
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The ray uses three signs, through the sun, to manifest itself in a planet. Image taken from the web: esotericastrologer |
7 Rays 12 Signs and 7 Planets
The Lord of the
1st Ray of Will and Power
comes to us through these three² signs:
Aries, the first impulse, the initiator, the power to impose ideas
Leo, the power of self-affirmation, the self-conscious, experience, the king of the self
Capricorn, the will to achieve, the will to reach the top, the power of ambition
Properly channelled by an evolved consciousness, these energies have the power and will to express the divine purpose.
It is clear that to express spiritual will via matter it is necessary to destroy all that is old, outdated, crystallised, accommodated..., hence the secondary aspect of this ray is related to the destructive or transformative power of Pluto, "hades". On the other hand, the most positive aspect of it is related to the power of moulding the divine purpose into matter, Vulcan, "the Forger in the Cave".
The Energy of the
2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom
comes through:
Gemini, the one who shows and relates duality, from the link comes union, love
Virgo, the one who uses reason and matter to build this union in consciousness.
Pisces, the mediator, the sensitivity that outwardly manifests unity or love.
Properly channelled through an evolved consciousness, these qualities express the love and wisdom that knows, that builds, that grows, that includes, that expands, that embraces, that unifies..., Jupiter.
Remember that this energy, being the ruler of the sun, conditions the power exercised in our system by the 7 Rays and the 12 Signs. It could be said that the 7 Rays can manifest on our planet Earth thanks to the sun's wise love illuminating them. For this reason Jupiter, ruled by the same ray as the sun, is the largest planet in the solar system, in fact, all the other planets fit inside it, a symbol of its inclusive love.
The Lord of the
3rd Ray of Practical Intelligence or Adaptabilityco
mes through:
Cancer, the karmic type of intelligence that creates its own form in dense matter.
Libra, the balanced intelligence that remains calm in the face of duality.
Capricorn, the intelligent discipline that frees the consciousness from its karmic ties.
Properly channelled by an evolved consciousness, these attitudes express the natural, though karmically conditioned, intelligence of reincarnated matter. The energy of this ray is a close friend of common sense, whether we like it or not, we can only realise that which our nature allows us to experience. Its most sacred planetary expression is Saturn, "the circle does not pass", the impediment (the cornerstone) that threatens opportunity.
The qualities of this ray are very important as the personality of our planet Earth is ruled by the 3rd Ray. With no common sense or practical intelligence, no matter how good and full of love and/or power the intention may be, nothing can be accomplished on this planet. Put very simply: “if we don't have wings no matter how much we want to, we cannot fly", therefore adaptation to the laws of nature on Earth is essential in order to move forward.
The Energy of the
4th Ray of Harmony and Beauty (through conflict)
comes to us through:
Taurus, the desire to possess beauty, the aspiration to acquire the light of knowledge.
Scorpio, the conflict that desire creates and the struggle that conquers freedom and harmony.
Sagittarius, the mind, free of desires, which knows how to focus on a goal and realise it.
Properly channelled, through an evolved consciousness these qualities express creative tension, the need for self-control, the constant attention capable of sensing the next step to be taken before achieving harmony or expressing beauty. Its representative is Mercury, also called "the son of the mind", the winged-footed god who communicates heaven with hell. The mercurial mind links the seven chakras, leading to a human being in perfect harmony. He builds the bridge between spirit and matter.
This ray is very important because it governs Humanityas a whole. If you look at it, in order to achieve unity and express it as harmony and beauty as a first step, a strong spiritual desire (aspiration) is necessary, and then through the tension, conflict and struggle that the same aspiration creates, to achieve triumph, calm, harmony, beauty..., undoubtedly a dramatic process, full of humanity.
The Lord of the
5th Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science
is brought to us through:
Leo, the self-consciousness which, through experience, makes knowledge concrete.
Sagittarius, the mental concentration which through knowledge, makes the objective concrete
Aquarius, the one who understands the needs of the group and implements them as a service
Properly channelled, through a scientific or intelligent mind these qualities have the power to bring about ...., “good things”are brought into dense form through the loving intelligence of Venus, the synthesis planet of the 5th R.
The qualities of this ray, through an evolved human being, are clearly linked with the mental power of analysis, reflection and meditation related to Raja Yoga, intelligence transmuted into wisdom. The 5th Ray is the ruler of our present Aryan race, a race which has as its fundamental principle the development of light (of concrete or scientific knowledge) in the mind.
The Lord of the
6th Ray of Devotion and Idealism
comes to us through:
Virgo, the builder who internally nurtures the ideal through patience and reason
Sagittarius, the mental focus who generates devotion (motivation) to reach the goal, the Ideal.
Pisces, the sensitivity that sacrifices itself for the ideal, spiritual responsibility
Properly channelled by an evolved consciousness, these qualities express directed feeling, righteous ideals and relationships closely linked to a positive and healing solar plexus. Its planetary synthesis is expressed in Neptune, "the god of Water", the psychic aspect, that which is most sensitive and imaginative of love.
This ray is very important because it has been the ruler of the entire Piscean era which is now ending and therefore in many ways its ideals are expiring to make way for the New Age. Even so we must not underestimate its main qualities as the 6th Ray (always reflected in the solar plexus) is the key to manifesting substantially the more abstract love of the heart, related to the 2nd Ray.
The Energy
7th Ray Energy of Organisation, Ceremony, Ritual and Magic
comes through:
Aries, the impulse that initiates manifestation in the same matter
Cancer, the sensibility that organises (shapes) momentum in matter
Capricorn, the discipline that reorganises this sensitive form in order to achieve something greater
This ray, through an evolved consciousness, uses order, ritual or geometry, (all synonyms), to express divinity in denser matter, hence it is said that the New Age of Aquarius, ruled by this ray,in its maturity will be the manifestation of the Kingdom of God on Earth/Matter. Its highest representative is Uranus, "the cosmic mind", the inspiration capable of unveiling and embodying the greatest secrets of creation in matter.
Although it may seem a contradiction, it is interesting to note that in order to express divinity in matter, organisation or order must go hand in hand with magic. Psychologically speaking, this means that daily practice of an appropriate rhythm or ritual is a necessity for the consciousness in order to inspire it to manifest the "magic" of the Soul.
As we already know in esoteric astrology, the sign ASC marks the path of the Soul, so in its meanings lies the key to get closer to it.
But first of all it is important to know that having the ascendant in a certain sign does NOT necessarily mean that the Soul is ruled by the ray that brings with it that sign, but it DOES imply that the recognition of the esoteric meanings of that sign will be of great help in becoming more and more conscious of it.
And from this basic assumption, and from the position of freedom that a detached mind generates, that is to say, not conditioned by desire, you are invited to analyse and reflect on your chart and its most conditioning signs.
From the Heart we hope that this study will be of great help to you.
¹ In esoteric astrology, a planet is considered sacred when the entity that rules it has such a high evolutionary level that it has already transcended the karmic conditions more related to matter or the egoistic aspect of the personality. In relation to a human being's horoscope, the influence of the sacred planets is closely linked to the higher consciousness or soul, while the influence of the non-sacred planets (Pluto, Mars, Earth) is more closely linked to the lower aspects of the personality. In this sense the Sun (a star) and the Moon (a satellite) are not considered planets and in general terms their influences are considered mixed, the two of them, depending on the evolutionary state of the subject owner of the horoscope, veil the energies and meanings of Vulcan, Neptune or Uranus.
² As we know the number 3 is a key number in order to express itself on the physical plane, the plane of the god Brahma, and each ray uses 3 signs for its manifestation.
David C.M.
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