
The best presidents of United States

The Difficulty of Esoteric Astrology

It is one of the main objectives of this blog to try to link the esoteric astrological concepts revealed by the Tibetan Master with practical astrology as we know it today. It is certainly not an easy goal, since as the Master tells us: 

The subject is, however, sufficiently abstruse to deter most people. The relations to be established cannot be based upon some definite starting point, as is sometimes possible in casting the individual horoscope, but upon energy effects, coming direct from the signs themselves, or via certain planetary rulers (again either exoteric, esoteric or hierarchical); these effects are again conditioned by the interplay between the energy of the rays which govern the soul or the personality of the subject under consideration” 

Thus the extreme difficulty of the science becomes increasingly apparent. There is, however, no need for discouragement, for this is a science, subject to moments of intense illumination when the intuition will suddenly reveal determining laws and when the capacity to think abstractly and synthetically will pour floods of light upon the most difficult and complex of problems. When the world again settles down to a cycle of peace and with opportunity for further conscious unfoldment, it will be found that that embryonic factor which we call the intuition will flower forth into as recognisable an expression of human consciousness as the present intellectual grasp and mental perception of the race. Until this time comes, the searching astrologer must proceed hopefully but cannot yet expect full understanding of what I here impart”

Therefore, we are compelled to persist, and from the breadth offered by the trust and love for His books and for Humanity, to try to deepen in the practical truths that its apparent complexity threatens.

Energies in relation

The link between the Nation and its most prominent figures


This study is centred on the United States as the most important country in our recent history and also, if it can recognise its spiritual potential, in the whole of the coming Age of Aquarius. One always learns by studying the higher case, not the lower. 

But our analysis will not be about the national chart of the country, on which we have already published an article at the following link ......, but will focus on "how" the higher energies and qualities of the country are reflected in the horoscope of its most outstanding souls. 

In relation to this “Forget not that the soul of the people is represented by those whoreact to the influence of the soul ray and of the sign which is affecting it (its ascendant, one might say), whilst the masses are conditioned by the personality ray and therefore by the sun sign of the specified nation”²

Here there is a clear reference to "the mass" as the lower attitude, the selfish, reactive and destructive aspect of the nation and the "who" as those consciousnesses that respond to the higher, altruistic and nation-building expression. 

From the plane of the energies and forces involved, it is a dual relationship between the ASC Sign + Soul Ray < versus > Sun Sign + Personality Ray and upon this duality, with the emphasis upon the soul, we have made our reflection. 

So let us see which dual energies are involved in the case of the United States of America:

Energies (rays and signs) that most 

condition the United States of America

In a very summarised form and based on what Alice Bailey tells us in her Blue Books, the main energies and meanings that condition the Soul and the Personality of the United States of America are:

The United States from its higher aspect is a 2nd Ray Soul of Love and Wisdom ruled by Aquarius. In this case Jupiter, as the bearer of this ray and the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, is ultimately responsible for the power of expansion, nurturing, sowing, understanding, freedom..., which this country exercises in the world.On this higher level, Gemini, as well as Pisces and Virgo, are pure channels for the expression of the second ruling ray of their Soul.In many ways these energies express qualities of the Heart chakra, which in the case of the US is positioned in Los Angeles. On the other hand in the words of the Tibetan Master "this is a nation of deep spiritual and humanitarian ideals", hence the higher significations of Sagittarius and the 9th house (also ruled by Jupiter) must be taken into account. 

The USA from its lower aspect is a 6th Ray Personality of Devotion and Ideal ruled by Gemini. From this more material perspective the versatile vitality of Gemini plus the idealising power of the sixth ray are negatives. In this case Mercury, the exoteric ruler, can generate capricious attitudes or mental patterns conditioned by the exclusive ideals of a sixth ray anchored in selfishness. The American personality is enclosed in their feelings, they "feel unique" as well as guarantors of their exclusivity. It is the classic lower power centralised in the solar plexus and aggressively expressed through Mars, the bearer of the sixth Ray, achieving things via weapons. At this lower level, the higher aspect of the nation's second ray is distorted to show itself as the love that attracts what this selfish self (exclusionary ideal) desires. There are still many excesses and exuberances (physical, emotional and mental) that this country expresses conditioned by "he who sees only his own navel". 

Now, in the face of this dual expression that so conditions "the experiences of the path", it is the responsibility of every evolved consciousness (be it a solar logos, a planet, a kingdom, a country or an individual) to use the higher aspect to purify and integrate the lower aspect. 

In relation to how the US can or could manage this duality, the Tibetan Master tells us:

If the idealism of the United States of America, which is today its personality expression and evidenced by the loudly enunciated idea of the biggest and the best, can be illumined by the law of love, then the pattern which underlies the structure of the States may be seen in lines of light, and we shall have the pattern for future racial light in contradistinction to the many separative national lines.”³

In this case the law of love is reflected in the energy of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom and in the higher significations of Aquarius and Jupiter. And if in the future, the Master goes on to say, this awakening occurs or increases,

The United States represents the intuitive faculty, expressing itself as illumination, plus the power to fuse and blend”.³

Today, with the sad exception of its first native peoples, this fusion is demonstrated in the powerful mix of races and cultures that so characterises this North American nation.

United States and 

five of its most influential Souls

Let us see how the superior qualities of this country are reflected in the horoscopes of five of its most influential souls, meaning in this case its most influential political leaders or statesmen⁴. Five leaders who have undoubtedly clearly expressed the superior aspect of the American people, to the extent that even some of them provoked the characteristic reaction, (related to the lower aspect of the mass), which ended their lives. 

Before proceeding further we must say that, because of their political vocation and their clear sense of power, almost all (if not all) of the five chosen souls are thought to be ruled by the 1st Ray of Will and Power. They were (or are) souls who were reincarnated in this country with the clear purpose (dynamic will) of manifesting the higher qualities of the Nation. We would say that their 1st Ray power (thanks to the high level of consciousness that managed it) was made subordinate to the needs of the greater whole or country.

In this respect, in order to make the analysis more comprehensible, we will divide it into two sections: 

  • The first "in relation to the higher aspect of the nation" will refer to how these five horoscopes reflect and relate to the three higher energies of the country, which are Aquarius, the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom and the capacity to generate Spiritual Ideals. 

  • The second, and much less important "in relation to themselves" will refer to how their horoscopes demonstrate the 1st Ray of Will and Power more of their Soul and not of the country.

The lower aspect of the country and its possible relation to the individuals chosen will not be dealt with here, so as to avoid making the article excessively long. Although it must be said that, being highly evolved souls, this aspect was little reflected in them; that is to say, they were conscious of it, but they adjusted it to the higher aspect of the country which they themselves reincarnated.

On the other hand, and with no fear of making a mistake in the study, we use the three possible types of rulership (exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical), because in beings with a very marked "destiny" or/and with a lot of social influence we have verified that the three types of rulership work clearly in their horoscopes. For those who are not familiar with these rulers proposed by Alice Bailey, at the end of the article we provide you with the complete regency table.

George Washington 

George Washington, the country's first president, was one of the nation's "founding fathers" and the foremost leader in the battles the people fought to achieve independence from Britain. The Tibetan Master in "New Age Education" names him in the following paragraph: 

The heroes of history are all warriors—Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Attila the Hun, Richard Coeur de Lion, Napoleon, George Washington and many others”.

In relation to the higher aspect of the nation in this horoscope there is a clear presence of Aquarius, its path of the Soul. Notice how the power of Mercury, exoteric ruler of Gemini, esoteric ruler of Aries and hierarchical ruler of Scorpio, shines on "the water carrier" from the highest house, the 10th. But even more important is to see how this glow is reinforced by Vulcan, the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Taurus, the path of George Washington's Soul, hinting at how much Washington was identified with the universal qualities of this sign. Remember that Vulcan must always be placed between the Sun and Mercury, in this case in Aquarius.

On the other hand, the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, the main quality of the Soul of the country, is reflected in Pisces, the second ray sign. Remember that the second ayo comes to us through Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. The "fish" with the presence of Venus and the Sun play a key role in the chart. Mercury's powerful applicative trine to Jupiter is the definitive seal on this link between Aquarius, the 2nd Ray and Jupiter.

The power to create and express Spiritual or humanitarian Ideals specific to the country can be seen in the Sagittarian "colour" of Uranus which as the exoteric ruler of Aquarius, esoteric of Libra and hierarchic of Aries opposes Neptune, "the God of idealism", in Gemini, which at this level of analysis is a clear carrier of the second ray of Love and Wisdom. We would say that Washington's ideals, due to the opposition created by Neptune from Gemini, had the inclusive love characteristic of this ray, i.e. they were flexible, humanitarian and free, not power-driven, exclusive or patriotic, as the ideals that motivated the English most certainly were.

The presence of the Moon in the 9th house of the Ideals is also important. Astrologically, the house where the Moon is is always a place that the mind, for better or for worse, pays a lot of attention to. 

In relation to "himself" because of his life experiences linked to the archetype of "he who initiates", or "he who is first" we feel that George Washington was a 1st Ray Soul of Will and Power. An energy reflected in the great power that, as hierarchical ruler, his Moon in Capricorn exerted over Aquarius, Mercury and Vulcan, though more weakly, this energy is also reflected in Aries- from where Saturn esoterically and exoterically rules this important Moon. Remember that that the first Ray reaches us through Aries, Leo and Capricorn. Looking at this chart and the one for Lincoln, one gets the feeling that from the extremes Capricorn - Aries (signs of power) the "central treasure" written in Aquarius - Pisces, signs of service and sacrifice linked with the nation, is protected.

And finally, where do you think the eulogy of the Tibetan Master is written when he says: “fue un gran guerrero”? …, in the powerful angular position that Mars expresses in Scorpio. A Mars in dignity, hierarchically ruled by Mercury in Aquarius, the way of the Soul for the Nation. We can say that George Washington's triumphant (Mars) struggle (Scorpio) was inspired or ruled by the spiritual significations of the "water carrier". 

Abraham Lincoln 

Undoubtedly Abraham Lincoln as the ultimate guarantor (during the Civil War) of the union of the country and the chief standard-bearer for the abolition of slavery, is the greatest architect of this great nation. Alice Bailey, in her book 

The externalisation Of the Hierarchy (Racial Avatars)”, writes:

These Appearances are evoked by the genius and destiny of a race. The typical man (in quality and consciousness, not necessarily physically) foreshadows the nature of some race. Such a man was Abraham Lincoln, coming forth from the very soul of a people, and introducing and transmitting racial quality—a quality to be worked out later as the race unfolds”.

In relation to the higher aspect of the nation it is evident that in Abraham Lincoln's chart his soul path coincided entirely with the soul path of the country, Aquarius. In addition Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of the "water carrier" is in exoteric dignity in Pisces, ruled by Pluto in esoteric and hierarchical dignity also in Pisces. There is a double emphasis of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom through "the fish", the sign of the Avatars. Indeed, his connection with the main energies of the nation was very high, perhaps we could even say that he was the architect (avatar) for these energies to definitely consolidate.

On the other hand, the underlying spiritual idealism of the nation in your chart is embedded in the grandeur of Neptune and Sagittarius. And Uranus, "the divine inspiration", the exoteric ruler of Aquarius (ASC+Sun), is positioned exalted on the cusp of the 9th house, the house where the Spiritual Ideal is the reflection of the Dharma. 

In relation to "himself", for his attitudes, linked to politics, government, and the power to impose his will or purpose, we can say that Abraham Lincoln was a Soul ruled by the 1st Ray of Will and Power; I don't believe that anyone would dispute that this great initiate had an enormous capacity to express the qualities of this ray. 

Astrologically, the first ray is written in the powerful hierarchical regency that the Moon in Capricorn (1st Ray sign) exercises over Aquarius (ASC+Sun), seeing that at the same time this Moon is hierarchically ruled by Venus in Aries (also 1st Ray sign). On the other hand Pluto (1st Ray planet) in its own esoteric and hierarchical regency, is, together with Jupiter (2nd Ray planet), the final ruler of the whole chart. The blending of the first with the second is potent. 

Abraham was a first ray Soul with the clear Will to express the more spiritual qualities of the nation which he treasured in Aquarius - Pisces/2nd Ray. 

From a more general view of the horoscope, we can state that Abraham was a powerful "I" (1st and 2nd houses highly activated) "shining at great heights" (9th and 10th houses highly activated). Evidently in each chart there is a "negative karma to suffer and work for" which in this case is symbolised in the "loneliness" implied by a Capricorn Moon in the 12th house. A Karma (Moon) that when self-discovered in its true Aquarian destiny began to express to Uranus, the Father of the Nation, the freedom inspired by responsibility.

Franklin D. Roosevelt 

It is evident that the pivotal role this president played in the Second World War, the recovery (The New Deal) from the "Great Depression" or the creation of the UN, is a reflection of a great soul. Alice Bailey quotes him in several of her books:’ 

In politics there are great and wise statesmen who are endeavouring to guide their people wisely but have as yet too much with which to contend; of these Franklin D. Roosevelt was an outstanding modern example, for he gave of his best and died in the service of humanity”.

From the book "The Troubles of Humanity" by Alice Bailey

In relation to the higher aspect of the country in Roosevelt's horoscope the link between Aquarius/Sun and the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom through Virgo/ASC is also very clear. In addition, there is a mutual reception between the exoteric rulers of Virgo (Mercury) and Aquarius (Uranus), which strengthens this link. On the other hand Virgo (hierarchically) as well as Aquarius (esoterically) are ruled by Jupiter, planet of the second ray, on the cusp of the 9th house in Taurus. A Taurus which in turn is ruled esoterically and hierarchically by Vulcan in Aquarius. This is evidence that the 3 higher qualities of the country are very well fused together.

Its link with the ability to create Spiritual Ideals is written in the power that Jupiter,  conjunct Neptune, has on the cusp of the 9th house, the house of Dharma. On the other hand, his Uranus in the first house makes Roosevelt a Soul with energy and inspiration to reveal new ideas. In relation to this, Alice Bailey tells us:

One of the most spiritually exciting things taking place in the world today is the use, in every country, of the word FREEDOM; it was that great disciple, F. D. Roosevelt, who "anchored" the word in a new and more universal sense. It now has a fuller and deeper meaning to humanity”. - His speech "the 4 freedoms" is famous - .

In relation to "himself", we are certain that Roosevelt, by his dynamics linked to power and politics, was a 1st Ray Soul of Will and Power. Interestingly his chart is an exception because in it the bearer signs of this ray (Aries Leo Capricorn) have almost no presence, only the Earth in Leo, as the hierarchical ruler of his powerful angular Mars in Gemini which is no small thing. But where we can truly see the stamp of the first ray in Roosevelt's chart is in Vulcan, the sacred carrier planet of this ray, which itself is the esoteric and hierarchical ruler of all its planets in Taurus, of which there are 4! 

Vulcan is " the one who persists", "the forger of iron", the unwavering Will of the one who has a purpose, in Roosevelt's case, to bring forth in the country (Virgo) a better expression of the second ray (Virgo - Gemini - Jupiter - Neptune) using the qualities of Aquarius; that is, for Franklin D. Roosevelt, Vulcan is the astrological reflection of his power to build or forge the best for the nation.

John F. Kennedy

Even though he took controversial decisions in order to address the then strong Communist movement, we cannot deny the great charisma that J.F.K. had. There is no doubt that he was a soul who left his mark on the American people and in a certain sense on the world. His speeches are still subject to study because of the hope they gave off; as well as his attempts to advocate better laws and resources to tackle poverty, racism, public health or the conquest of space, it is not for nothing that Americans often vote Kennedy as one of the best presidents the country has ever had, putting him on a par with the three previous ones. His words are:

"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”

In relation to the higher aspect of the nation, Kennedy's chart shows a clear contact with Aquarius and the 2nd Ray. Let us note how the esoteric ruler of the Libra ascendant, or its Soul path, is Uranus in Aquarius in proper exoteric dignity and ruled hierarchically by a Moon in esoteric dignity in Virgo, the sign bearing the second ray. The path of the Soul, the second ray and Aquarius go hand in hand.

The presence of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom through the signs of Virgo (the Moon in own esoteric rulership) and Gemini (Sun conjunct Venus in own esoteric rulership) is extremely powerful.

Its ability to express a sensitive Idealism with this Neptune at the climax of the 10th house is enormous. And this Neptune is ruled esoterically by the Sun which in turn is ruled by Venus in esoteric dignity in Gemini on the 9th house cusp.  In addition, although it may not seem so, the power of Sagittarius is also included, since the hierarchical ruler of Gemini is the Earth in its own esoteric dignity in Sagittarius in the 3rd house, communication. This 9th house + Neptune are the astrological hallmarks of his powerful, hope-creating speeches.

In relation to "himself"we think that because of his clear link with the world of politics, power and the capacity to govern, J.F. Kennedy was a soul of the 1st Ray of Will and Power. And this happens astrologically through his Neptune in Leo(1st Ray sign) dominating the whole chart from the 10th house. Note that Saturn, hierarchical ruler of Libra in Cancer, is ruled esoterically and hierarchically by this Neptune in Leo. From a locational point of view, and with the permission of the three air signs, this Leo through Neptune, is the most powerful sign in the whole chart.

From a more inferior point of view, it is known, if we follow his biography, that John F. Kennedy personally had his moments of "weakness", clearly embedded in the exoteric power of his Gemini. Often his Sun, conditioned by the emotional instability created by the North Node in the 4th house, Saturn in Cancer, a powerful 8th house and above all the tight Venus Moon square in the 12th house, was carried away by personal excess. 

But he also had moments of great inspiration, through the great air trine between the 5th house (the natural intelligence with Uranus-Aquarius), the 9th house (the spiritual intelligence with Venus and Gemini/2nd Ray), and the 1st house (the path of the soul in Libra). Libra is the Practical Intelligence which expresses itself as Balance and it appears clear that the more Kennedy practised such intelligence, the closer he came to his Dharma or right action related to his positive Venus in proper esoteric rulership. 

Barack Hussein Obama

We know that this choice, perhaps because of recent memory, may generate controversy, but from this blog we think that history will put Obama in his rightful place among the greats. And not only for having been the first black president, which for this country is already a lot to say, but also for his positions of solidarity on immigration, public health, environmentalism, the role of women, his link with Europe, his visit to Cuba, peace with Iran, asking for forgiveness from Japan, his forceful attitude towards Putin, his good relations with Angela Merkel and José Mujica or his constant references to Nelson Mandela and Luther King ..... and undoubtedly also for his brilliant oratory, frank, inclusive and full of optimism, all of which are expressions of the country's superiority. 

In relation to the higher aspect of the nation the powerful role of Aquarius in Obama's horoscope is very clear, Aquarius is his (and the country's) path of the Soul, and Jupiter, his esoteric ruler, is positioned in it. 

On the other hand, the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom ruling the Soul of the country also emerges very strongly through the Moon, hierarchical ruler of Aquarius, in the second ray sign Gemini. Indeed, in this chart there is a hierarchical mutual reception as its moon in Gemini is hierarchically ruled by the Earth in Aquarius and vice versa. The second ray and Aquarius are very well blended.

His idealism, through Neptune in the 9th house, is enormous. Also the exoteric and esoteric ruler of this Neptune is Mars in Virgo ruled esoterically through the Moon. And this second ray Moon connected with the meanings of the 9th house and supported by the splendid trine it receives from Jupiter and the sextile of Mercury, is its power to express these Aquarian 2nd Ray ideals through oratory. 

In Obama's horoscope we can see a clear relationship between the 9th house,(the ideal); Jupiterthe bearer of the second rayin esoteric dignity in Aquarius; the Moon, hierarchical ruler of Aquarius, in Gemini 2nd Raysign and Mercury, the exoteric ruler of the Moon and hierarchical ruler ofNeptune. It is a combination that powerfully blends the country's higher energies. 

In relation to "himself" it stands to reason that the hallmark of the 1st Ray of Will and Power in Obama is his mighty Leo. If you look at the powerful and dynamic attitude that for 8 years linked him to power, (I remember right now his "tough", we think necessary, behaviour towards Putin, or his bitter victory over Hillary), you will see the first ray through Leo.

From a more personal or exoteric point of view, his Lunar intelligence as well as his powerful seventh house are a clear reflection of the charisma that for him and for many people in the country his wife Michelle Obama has had (and still has).

It is our heartfelt wish that this article will serve as an inspiration to continue to deepen in the magnificent astrological and psychological proposals that the Blue Books, by the Tibetan Master and Alice Bailey, transmit to us.


¹ The destiny of the Nations. - The Nations and their Governing Signs

² We have not focused on five political personalities, chosen presidents, in an attempt not to make the work too extensive, however, the analysis could well drift towards other types of leaders (social, artistic, national "heroes") representative of the nation and its culture.

³ The destiny of the Nations. - The Nations and their Governing Signs

⁴ The destiny of the Nations – The nations and the Rays


For esoteric astrology there are three types of planets, personal or exoteric ruler, soul or esoteric ruler and spiritual or hierarchical ruler. 

To achieve the expression of the spiritual level of a sign, first you have to have a high degree of understanding of the level of consciousness or Soul since it is this level that makes the union of the three possible.

Sign   Orthodox Ruler   Esoteric Ruler   Hierarchical R.

Aries    Mars                           Mercury                   Uranus

Taurus  Venus                         Vulcan                     Vulcan

Gemini  Mercury                    Venus                       Earth

Cancer  Moon                        Neptune                    Neptune

Leo  Sun                                Sun (Neptune)           Sun (Uranus)

Virgo  Mercury                      Moon (Vulcan)          Jupiter

Libra  Venus                          Uranus                       Saturn

Scorpio  Mars                        Mars                          Mercury

Sagittarius  Jupiter                  Earth                        Mars

Capricorn  Saturn                 Saturn                         Venus

Aquarius  Uranus                  Jupiter                        Moon (Uranus)

Pisces  Jupiter                      Pluto                            Pluto

David C.M. 

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